• February 13, 2015

Trapp Technology Employee Spotlight: Jesus Huerta

Trapp Technology

Trapp Technology Employee Spotlight: Jesus Huerta

Trapp Technology Employee Spotlight: Jesus Huerta 1080 454 Trapp Technology

Welcome Jesus Huerta, Trapp Technology’s Content Coordinator! Learn more about Jesus and his role at the forefront of digital engagement with our cloud hosting customers!

Jesus Huerta, Online Content Coordinator, Trapp Technology

Describe your job at Trapp Technology.
I am the Online Content Coordinator. I am responsible for publishing content on our community blog and social media sites (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter), and engagement on behalf of Trapp Technology with our online audience.

How do you describe what you do for a living to your friends?
I usually tell them I’m part of the marketing team in this really awesome tech company.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to do a lot of things! I wanted to be a doctor, a soul skater, a writer, a cartoonist, a scientist, a rock star, and an engineer. I jumped around a lot of options.

If you could trade places with any famous person, living or dead, who would it be and why?
I think Neil Degrasse Tyson would be cool! It would be amazing to have the understanding of the universe that he has.

What’s the last book you read in its entirety?
I think it might’ve been Ender’s Game. I’m reading Brave New World by Aldous Huxley right now.

What is your favorite sport to watch? To play?
I wasn’t ever a huge fan of watching sports. I liked playing them more. I play soccer and I guess watching the world cup is fun too.

What’s your ideal travel destination?
Japan. I’ve wanted to go there my whole life.

Where can we find you when you’re not working?
I’m always with my girlfriend and we could really be anywhere. Sometimes I like staying in watching movies and TV. Other days I’m out finding new things to do or playing music. I also run two media and gaming websites called whatilikediscovering.com and chuyplays.com, so you can always find me there!

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Do you do any volunteer work?
I like to stay involved with my community, and constantly participate in church events.

Have you ever been told that you look like someone famous?
I’ve gotten Justin Long before. And once I got Jimmy Fallon. I don’t really see it.

Where did you grow up? What do you love about it?
I grew up in a small mountain town in Southern California. I liked it because it was really different from the SoCal experience. I also really like snow and cold weather and trees.

What could you not get through the day without?
I’m not incredibly attached to anything…but for a while I couldn’t go a day without playing Animal Crossing New Leaf.

What’s your favorite childhood memory?
Looking back, I feel like my childhood was straight out of a sitcom. I liked that feeling in general.

What was your first job, and would you do it again if you had to?
I worked as a tutor. If I had to, I’d do it again. I think I’d be a lot better at it now than I was back then.

What characteristics do you admire in others?
Kindness. Somebody who can show kindness to people often values many other positive characteristics that lead to kind acts.

What is your favorite movie?
I don’t know if I have a favorite movie. My favorite kinds of movies are usually about music. They’re not exactly musicals, but the topic is music. Frank and God Help the Girl are recent movies that are good examples of this. I’m currently building a forum-like website dedicated to sharing reviews from a community of like-minded media enthusiasts such as myself! Stay tuned!

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How do you want to be remembered?
Selfless, positive, excited to see the future.

What has been your proudest moment thus far with Trapp Technology?
My favorite moments have been the times I’m trusted with new tasks or responsibilities. I love being somebody you can count on with a project.

What are you most passionate about professionally?
I am passionate about growing and being able to bring that experience to others. I believe our knowledge should be shared to continue to improve the people who, in turn, improve the business.

What do you think sets Trapp Technology apart from the competition?
Every employee is really proud to be here. We believe in what we do and do our best to bring that vision to our clients. We’ve remained innovative because of our passion for the company and its people. #TeamTrapp

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