• April 22, 2015

Go Green With The Cloud This Earth Day

Trapp Technology

Go Green With The Cloud This Earth Day

Go Green With The Cloud This Earth Day 1080 454 Trapp Technology

Using the Cloud for Green Energy

You already know the cloud is a great way to boost your productivity and give more power to your IT department. Did you know you are actually going green by utilizing cloud technology? The hardware that goes into cloud servers is designed to be energy efficient and environmentally friendly. See how you improve your carbon footprint by using the cloud.

Earth Day is a great time to look at your impact on the environment. For businesses to be successful, they require a lot of resources. Those resources are converted into products, services, and even waste. One way that businesses can effectively lower their carbon footprint is by utilizing cloud technology.

Everything we do uses energy and creates some form of waste. Businesses require a lot of energy to run computers, printers, Internet, and servers.

Technology uses a lot of energy and this costs the business and environment. Utilizing cloud services actually has a very positive effect on energy consumption. With better machines, you consume less and make a huge impact on the environment.

Cloud hosting providers have to run thousands of servers wherever they are located. This takes a lot of energy to do so the technology they use has been improved and made more energy efficient. As a green initiative, the servers are designed to use less energy and are positioned in a climate that can be easily controlled. Servers have to be kept cool so they do not overheat and crash. This would cost everybody his or her information and business. The energy efficiency and cool climate will keep your energy consumption low.

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How low does this keep your energy consumption? What impact does cloud computing have on our environment? A study said that utilizing cloud technology will result in carbon reductions equivalent to 200 million barrels of oil by 2020. A large enterprise that moves its HR application to the cloud could cut CO2 emissions by as much as 30,000 metric tons in five years. That is the equivalent of getting 5900 cars off the road.

Another way you help the environment is by minimizing the amount of physical resources you need. Transferring files from workplace to home can involve a portable hard drive or printing out notes. When you have the things you need on the cloud, you can login from any location to access all your data and information. This also saves you a trip to the office if you forget your flash drive, or if you need to do some unexpected work.

Lowering your CO2 emissions and making your process green can save you more than money. You get a positive reputation for your green initiatives and create a sustainable process that can better maintain your growth. Using the cloud is a great way to start helping the environment. No matter what size business, you always have an opportunity to go green with the cloud.

Want to learn more about going green with the cloud? Contact Us and ask about our 30-day test drive!

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