• April 07, 2014

Contractor Business Solutions NW Signs Trapp Technology as Preferred Application Hosting Provider

Trapp Technology

Contractor Business Solutions NW Signs Trapp Technology as Preferred Application Hosting Provider

Contractor Business Solutions NW Signs Trapp Technology as Preferred Application Hosting Provider 1080 454 Trapp Technology

Custom Sage 100 and Sage 300 Application Hosting Now Available to Northwest Contractors

Scottsdale, AZ. – April 7, 2014 – Scottsdale based Trapp Technology, www.trapptechnology.com, a provider of industry-specific cloud hosting solutions, is proud to announce that Contractor Business Solutions NW (CBSNW) www.cbsnw.com, a Sage North America business partner, has signed Trapp Technology as their Preferred Application Hosting Provider.

The agreement brings together CBSNW’s construction and real estate software solutions and Trapp Technology’s custom application hosting platform for Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate, Sage 100 Contractor and related applications. CBSNW’s customers in the Northwestern United States can now more readily enjoy the benefits of the application hosting provider, Trapp Technology.

“Contractor Business Solutions NW is a Sage Business Partner recognized for their success in the construction industry,” said DJ Jones, Vice President of Marketing, Trapp Technology. “We are proud to partner with them to bring hosting to their customers in the Northwest.”

Trapp Technology has a long track record with Sage construction software that makes their Sage-friendly hosting platform a solid cloud solution for our clients.
— Jon Newsom, CBSNW

Under the terms of the agreement, Trapp Technology will provide hosting services at discounted rates and CBSNW will jointly market Trapp Technology’s hosting services to prospects and existing customers.

“Hosting is a great way for construction companies to take advantage of the cloud,” stated Jon Newsom, Partner, CBSNW. “Trapp Technology has a long track record with Sage construction software that makes their Sage-friendly hosting platform a solid cloud solution for our clients.”

By partnering with Trapp Technology, CBSNW gains a cloud solution optimized for Sage application integration, generating new sales opportunities. Companies hosted by Trapp Technology enjoy less IT maintenance, enhanced data security and secure remote access anywhere they have an internet connection—at the job site, at home, or the office. Reduced capital expense, budget predictability and improved productivity make application hosting an attractive option for CBSNW’s clients.

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About Contractor Business Solutions NW, LLC
Over the last two decades, Contractor Business Solutions NW (CBSNW) has helped contractors become more efficient and successful by providing complete solutions for their business needs. At CBSNW we believe long-term relationships make all of us more successful. Because we work exclusively in the construction industry, we understand a contractor’s environment and the challenges they face on a daily basis. Headquartered in Seattle, CBSNW serves contractors in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Alaska, Hawaii, and Canada. Visit www.cbsnw.com or call 800-209-6927.

About Trapp Technology
Trapp Technology provides online application hosting solutions for application service providers and small to medium-sized (SMB) companies around the world. The company’s custom, dedicated IT and application hosting solutions give industry-specific software companies and software integrators an easy-to-implement, secure cloud solution for their customers and create a better overall cloud experience for business. Trapp Technology’s US-based, support team is available 24/7 via live chat, e-mail, or phone for all application hosting questions.

Get Application Hosting Solutions For Your Software!

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