• February 23, 2015

5 Questions to Validate Your Cloud Host

Trapp Technology

5 Questions to Validate Your Cloud Host

5 Questions to Validate Your Cloud Host 1080 454 Trapp Technology

5 Ways to Know Your Cloud Host is a Pro

There are a lot of cloud hosting providers in the market. How do you make sure that you are going with the best? It’s easy to weed out the chumps from the pros. Here’s the best way to quickly find which cloud provider is going to give your company the best results!

Cloud computing concept with copy space

Have you been calling Cloud Hosting Providers and trying to determine whether or not they are the company you want to trust your information with? Let’s face it. It’s a big deal to migrate your company information to the cloud. You need that information to be readily accessible to you and your employees, but beyond that, you need to know that it’s secure. None of us can afford to have our data stolen.

There are great ways to find out if you are finding the right cloud-hosting provider to trust with your data. These 5 questions can easily pinpoint whether that provider is legitimate or not.

1. Prove Your Compliance with Industry Standards
A legitimate cloud provider knows that a third-party auditor must validate their performance records. They must also demonstrate their compliance with standards such as SSAE 16.

You should ask them about their compliance and for proof of their compliance. A cloud host that cannot provide you with that information should probably not be trusted. A cloud host should be excited to show you that their business is up to standards and eligible to provide their service at top quality.

2. Can You Provide Case Studies?
You want to know what people think about the company. More specifically, want to know what their customers think and if they would recommend their services to other businesses. Ask your cloud provider if they would provide any references or case studies that will give you more information about what to expect. In some cases, cloud hosts keep their customer information too tight to share their contact information, but they should be able to give you case studies. A legitimate host can give you real information from their customers and prove how well they perform.

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3. Does Your App Work on the Cloud?
You want to host software and your provider has promised you that they can set you up. But does that software work as well as your in-house solutions? Sometimes that isn’t the case. Your cloud provider should be willing to work with you to find the solution that works for you. Some cloud providers even have a list of the software they have experience with and can implement. Make sure your software can be used on their servers.

4. What is their uptime guarantee?
The cloud can be a great experience when it is working well. It raises productivity by allowing you to work from remote locations simply by logging into your server online. If your information isn’t available, it makes your job hard. Finding a cloud provider with great uptime is tough. Finding out how they keep their servers running can give you an idea of how reliable they are. Some hosts set up multiple ISP’s to keep your uptime on the server going. Ask about their solutions and reliability.

5. Can You Tell Me About Security?
This is why we’re all here. Above all, we want to know that our data isn’t compromised. What you need to know is that your information is going to be safe. Ask your provider about the security standards they meet and what they have done to ensure they are not breached. A cloud pro will let you know the measures they take to keep your data safe.

So you want to meet these cloud hosting standards?

Trapp Technology is a great place to start. Our consultants are prepared to give you information about what we offer and how we make sure your business has a great experience on the cloud.

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Contact Us to get more information and get started with a 30-Day Test Drive!

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