• August 08, 2013

State of the Construction Industry [Infographic]

Trapp Technology

State of the Construction Industry [Infographic]

State of the Construction Industry [Infographic] 1080 454 Trapp Technology

Construction Software in the Cloud?

Your business is growing, and you’re being faced with the need to increase your mobility and find a way to make your software fit your ever changing needs. If you’ve tried out other mobile or online-based apps, you’re probably disappointed by their lackluster ability to function as if the software were locally installed on your device or machine. Before you lose hope, take a look at how the cloud can be the solution you’ve been looking for.

Why go to the cloud?

1. Access your documents anywhere, anytime. Many companies have considered operation in a paperless environment to save office space, time, effort, and money. iPads may be used in a paperless environment as a new conduit to access all the information stored electronically. Send new assignments quickly and easily, and collaborate effortlessly in real time.

2. Enhanced client meetings. Once the iPad is connected to electronic documents, construction professionals can replace the piles of paper typically generated from meetings with one simple device. Also, during the course of a meeting, construction professionals may access the firm’s CRM to refer to historical notes or schedule a future appointment instead of deferring these tasks until after the meeting.

3. Increase in efficiency and time management. The iPad is portable, internet ready, and easier to carry than a conventional laptop. Writing up reports and transmitting them to the home or office can be done instantaneously.

State of the Construction Industry Infographic Infographic by Maxwell Systems

30-day Test Drive!

Interested in giving the cloud a try? Put your construction software in the cloud free for the first 30 days — no credit card information required. Sign up here and we’ll build your custom cloud solution.

See also  Employee Spotlight: Amber Gatley, Accountant