• May 18, 2015

Monday MinIT: Multi-tenant vs. Dedicated Cloud

Monday MinIT: Multi-tenant vs. Dedicated Cloud

Monday MinIT: Multi-tenant vs. Dedicated Cloud 1080 491 Trapp Technology

Multi-Tenant vs. Dedicated Cloud: Which is Better for My Business?

Moving to the cloud comes with many decisions. You have to pick the solution that works best for your business. Answering the multi-tenant vs. dedicated cloud environment debate will determine how you use the cloud so you can make the right decision for your business.

You’re looking into cloud services but need to know what solution is right for you. The cloud has become a popular tool for businesses because it is quick to implement and can be easily scaled to fit your needs. There are two major categories that cloud environments fall into: Multi-Tenant and Dedicated cloud. These two environments offer different levels of security, customization and scalability.

Multi-tenant and dedicated are both quick to implement. On a multi-tenant cloud you enter a pool of shared resources with other people and businesses. This means that you all access the same software and store your data in the same place. A dedicated cloud is your own personal cloud where you host the specific software you need and store your data in a private location.

Multi-tenant offers less customization than dedicated solutions. Multi-tenant is designed to reach a wide audience so features aren’t added unless the majority of users ask for it.

Dedicated clouds allow you to customize every feature. You get the software you need and any applications you use as well. Dedicated clouds are designed for your business and act as an extension of your IT.

Multi-tenant scalability is limited to storage. You can add more storage to your cloud environment but can’t add more software. Dedicated cloud can scale more than just storage. You can add applications, software, users, and anything you need to work effectively on your cloud. You can also remove any applications, software, or users to lower costs. This is beneficial when you no longer have use for those accounts or applications.

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See our Monday MinIT video to learn more about multi-tenant and dedicated cloud:

Settle the multi-tenant vs. dedicated server debate and test drive a private cloud for 30 days, risk free!