• May 09, 2016

Enterprise Cloud 2016 – Infographic

enterprise cloud computing 2016 infograhic

Enterprise Cloud 2016 – Infographic

Enterprise Cloud 2016 – Infographic 1024 443 Trapp Technology

Cloud computing in 2016 will play a major role in enterprise strategy, according to multiple reports and surveys.

We recently discussed that 90% of enterprises plan to increase or maintain annual spend on cloud computing spending this year – but what other surprising enterprise-level trends are in store for cloud computing in 2016? We highlight significant survey results in our latest:

2016 Enterprise Cloud Computing Infographic

You’ll find quick stats on how enterprises primarily leverage cloud computing technology, and the average percent of cloud-hosted application. What are the top 3 benefits of cloud for enterprises after “increased efficiency”? Find out if your cloud-computing budget is on par with other enterprise IT spending – and if you should be building cloud infrastructure in-house or working with an external cloud-hosting provider.

enterprise cloud computing 2016 infograhic

Enterprise Cloud Computing in 2016 Infographic Sources:

• Clutch – clutch.co/cloud#survey
• 451 Research451research.com/customer-insight-overview
• IDG Enterpriseidgenterprise.com/resource/research/2015-cloud-computing-study

Could you benefit from custom cloud hosting solutions for your enterprise? Find out how you can compete effectively in 2016 by speaking to a Trapp Technology Cloud Hosting specialist. Call Trapp Technology sales at 877.296.8513, or visit our trapptechnology.com/cloud to learn more.

See also  Featured Product: My QuickBooks Cloud

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