• December 08, 2014

Cloud Hosting Relieves Strain on In-House Servers

Trapp Technology

Cloud Hosting Relieves Strain on In-House Servers

Cloud Hosting Relieves Strain on In-House Servers 1080 454 Trapp Technology

Moving to A Cloud Hosting Provider Improves Your Servers

Servers have a lifespan, and once servers reach the end of their lives you find your computing power has clearly diminished. Productivity decreases with slower applications and longer wait times for completing work. What’s your next move? Do you buy new servers or move your information to the cloud? Cloud hosting providers can help your business keep your IT maintained.

Facing the decision of replacing servers is daunting. Servers are expensive and absolutely key to electronic business functions. When the time comes to replace servers it is important to have an action plan. Nobody wants to be stuck with a crippled IT system. This could lead to a huge loss in productivity and your business revenues.

The cloud is a great solution when you want to lessen the strain that an in-house IT system can bring to your business. Cloud hosting providers’ work hard bringing valuable IT resources and solutions to businesses. But how do they differ from your own in-house servers? What do they offer that makes them a viable replacement for in-house IT?


The cloud dedicates its resources toward maintaining infrastructure. The costs that go into keeping up to date with security and software are typically ignored by businesses. Businesses also tend to hold off on updating their servers for as long as possible. Cloud hosting providers, on the other hand, make sure to keep all their systems and software up to date. While in-house IT systems tend to overlook system updates because of time and costs, cloud hosting providers make sure they keep their service working at top notch levels.

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Cloud hosting providers not only relieve the costs associated with maintenance as well as the manpower, the cloud also provides your servers with high end security measures that will protect your data and make sure it can always be recovered. In house IT in certain areas can be riskier due to dangerous weather conditions. When switching to the cloud, finding a cloud-hosting provider that is located in a low risk environment can give your data an extra level of security.

Using a cloud hosting provider as a solution is a great option once your in-house servers need to be improved. They provide many different full featured software with huge amounts of storage space. Their services are also offered at a fixed cost to keep your IT costs predictable.

Contact a cloud hosting provider here and learn more about the options you have for your business! Sign up here for a 30-day test drive!