• September 11, 2013

Cloud Computing Basics: Whiteboard Wednesday

Trapp Technology

Cloud Computing Basics: Whiteboard Wednesday

Cloud Computing Basics: Whiteboard Wednesday 1080 454 Trapp Technology

Questions about the cloud? Here’s the skinny on cloud computing basics.

When we visit with folks at conventions or even just talking about our services to people in passing, we often get puzzled looks when we talk about “the cloud.”

“Oh, you mean like iCloud?”

Well, no. But yes.

We wanted to explain how we use cloud computing as a tool to serve our clients and to make their lives easier through things like mutli-location access, device compatibility, and banking industry-level security standards. Need a little bit deeper of an explanation? We’ll explain how the cloud works — in layman’s terms.


Cloud Computing Basics

It pretty much boils down to this: cloud computing is when you use a third-party cloud provider to host your data or software. Your cloud hosted data doesn’t reside on your local machine, but on a server in your cloud provider’s data center. Cloud computing reduces the hardware application requirements for businesses and pools those resources in the cloud. Trapp Technology has built an incredibly resilient and redundant cloud infrastructure, giving them the ability to host users’ software in the cloud instead of their local machines. To access their software, users log in through a company-specific URL, and then use their software as if it were locally installed.

The cloud is accessing your data from anywhere, at anytime and being able to use any or all of the data and applications that you want.

A cloud host  has specified data stored on its servers, a user fires up their computer, connects to the web (and to the servers holding their data), clicks on their application software and are off to the races. It’s really not that complicated once it’s explained, is it? So why do people use the cloud? To sum it up, the cloud enables businesses to do things better, faster, and cheaper.

See also  Nut Butter Entrepreneur Cuts Bookkeeping Time 50% with Trapp Technology QuickBooks Hosting

Want more information on cloud computing? Visit our cloud page to learn how your business can benefit.

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