• May 22, 2013

Employee Spotlight: Josh Weidman, Network Engineer

Trapp Technology

Employee Spotlight: Josh Weidman, Network Engineer

Employee Spotlight: Josh Weidman, Network Engineer 1080 454 Trapp Technology

Trapp Technology Network Engineer, Josh Weidman

One of our brains behind the cloud, Josh Weidman, sat down for a quick chat to tell us a little bit about him and his role as Network Engineer here at Trapp Technology. Pull up a chair and learn a little bit about the guy behind our 99.9% uptime!

What are you known for professionally? 
My background as a Network Engineer is IT problem solving, network architecture, environment architecture, problem solving, building complex environments, virtualization, and storage.

What are you most passionate about being a Network Engineer? 
Solving complex problems. When someone comes to me saying, “I don’t know what to do!’ and just sitting down and figuring it out.

What are you passionate about personally? 
I’m a huge outdoors person. I love hunting, fishing, and camping. Oh, and shooting!

What’s your favorite way to spend a weekend? Where can we find you? 
You’ll catch me hunting, out in the woods, or maybe out enjoying a weekend of country music — out at concerts and stuff like that.

How long have you been doing what you do? 
Since I was 14.

Where did you grow up, and why aren’t you there now? 

Network Engineer

I grew up in upstate New York in the country. I moved here because of work and school in 2004, and I’ve been here ever since! Upstate New York has lots of factory jobs, and there aren’t a lot of IT jobs.

Do you have any awards or certifications? 
I have a ton of certifications. A+, Net+, MCSE (Server 2000), CCNA (Cisco), and VCP for VMWare. Also, I’m a competitive archery shooter, and I got a lot of awards when I was a kid, but I haven’t done a lot with it recently.

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What would be impossible for you to give up? 
Working, actually. I love doing what I do. I would go absolutely nuts if I couldn’t problem solve … I love tinkering. I love working on my cars, changing the oil — I’m a big do it yourself-er.

Have you ever had any DIY projects go wrong? 
Oh, a few! I did one of those water features, a koi pond. I went through the whole project, and ended up digging a hole that was way too big. It was a huge mess. I ended up just having to call someone to come out and fix it.

You were just given a yacht. What do you name it? 
“This is it.” One day, some friends and I were out fishing, and I said, “Man, this is it!” The owner of the boat pointed to the side of his boat, and there it was — “This Is It”.

If you were in a Miss America talent competition, what would your talent be? 
I’d be an expert angler! That’d be my talent.

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