• September 16, 2013

September Message from the CEO

Trapp Technology

September Message from the CEO

September Message from the CEO 1080 454 Trapp Technology

Special Message from Trapp Technology CEO

Summer is coming to a close, but there’s no slowing down here at our Scottsdale, Arizona offices. We’ve been busy as always, and we’re looking forward to an even busier fall.

As per usual, we’ve been traveling quite a bit in the past month. Most notably, we visited Boston, Massachusetts for the United Solutions, Inc. Connect Client User Conference. It was a great event, and I was on hand to tell USI customers how Trapp Technology’s cloud hosting solutions can benefit their business. Next on the schedule is the third TOPS User Conference of the year – this time, in Las Vegas. The last two conferences in Washington, D.C. and Philadelphia have been such a success, and Vegas will be no exception!


Back at home, we’re pleased to report that the Trapp Technology team is growing in both personnel and office space! On November 1, our support team will be headed to a newer, larger office space. Our tech support team has grown, and we’re thrilled to house them in an office space that is more conducive to a phone support environment. Part of our promise to you, our customers, is to offer the absolute best support possible, and we’re happy to provide a powerful team with an improved work space.The new addition of team members includes a new support manager, Jason Claiborne, who previously oversaw 400 on-site and 200 remote support employees. We have also hired two new tech support team members as well – Jeff Marlowe and Aurora Thiessen – and we are pleased to expand our already top-notch support team.

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On the back-end of Trapp Technology, we’re continuing to make improvements and expansions. We are in the final stages of building our SAP environment. Our new relationship with SAP will bring many new opportunities that we are excited to offer our customers, and we’ll keep you updated on new developments as we get them.

The next month looks to be as busy, if not busier, than the last, so stay tuned for big updates from Trapp Technology.

