• May 08, 2018

Security Risks with Growing Cloud Infrastructure

Trapp Technology

Security Risks with Growing Cloud Infrastructure

Security Risks with Growing Cloud Infrastructure 1080 454 Trapp Technology

Cloud-based systems within enterprises today are growing at a powerfully rapid pace. In fact, roughly 80% of all IT budgets within any given company will be committed to cloud-based solutions in 2018, which could encompass everything from simple file storage and email solutions to employee machines and entire server stacks.

Unfortunately, as these cloud solutions grow, the attack surface of a company’s network also grows significantly. With an increased attack surface comes a more vulnerable network; just one security incident or data breach could derail the reputation, growth, and profitability for most companies. Even worse, an incident like that could even put these companies out of business for good if the breach was bad enough.

To minimize such damaging and disastrous threats, Trapp Technology offers an array of cyber threat assessment services that monitor those vulnerabilities, allowing your business‎ to:

  • Detect and assess network threats, and determine which network devices are at the highest risk for attack
  • Determine which end-user applications are running at any given time for increased application visibility control
  • Optimize performances of the entire network by monitoring throughput, session, and bandwidth usage during peak hours

In addition to providing your company‎ with the proper visibility it needs to minimize security and performance gaps, our cyber assessments can help you cut down on cloud services and 3rd party tools to reduce costs as well. Consolidating tools within a business can streamline company processes and simplify management responsibilities as well–which in today’s world can amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of time saved. Rather than

Feel free to explore Trapp Technology’s security portfolio in the top menu or learn more about a cyber threat assessment here. You can either fill out the form at the bottom of the page to schedule an assessment, or you can call (877) 942-2568 or email sales@trapptechnology.com to get in touch with a Trapp representative directly.

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