• January 14, 2015

Net Neutrality and the Cloud

Trapp Technology

Net Neutrality and the Cloud

Net Neutrality and the Cloud 1080 454 Trapp Technology

How Net Neutrality Affects the Cloud

Small businesses can utilize the cloud to access information technology that would normally be out of their price range. With Internet connection available almost everywhere, it means small businesses can access their data from virtually any place in the world. Net Neutrality is a big factor that determines the efficiency of cloud technology.


President Obama recently announced efforts to bring higher Internet speeds to cities all over the United States. Raising broadband speeds is a great advantage that people can utilize to further innovate the world. Students have quick access to their school materials and private users can download content with ease.

These speeds give companies a lot of advantages. They have the ability to share information with consumers quickly and foster their growth. They also have fast access to tools they use such as cloud computing.

Unfortunately, these updated speeds are of no use if Net Neutrality is not maintained.

Net Neutrality keeps the Internet open, fair, and free. Online, people have freedom of speech and equal access to all information. This gives the Internet a lot of power. Nobody is barred from sharing his or her opinion, content, or knowledge.

With Net Neutrality, there are no gatekeepers limiting access to information on the Internet. These principles have allowed the people connected to thrive and communicate with the world.

Recently, Internet Providers threatened to introduce new ways they do business with those connected to the Internet. The idea of toll roads for faster access to certain websites would introduce limits to Internet speeds. Internet providers would charge huge business to have their sites run in faster lanes. People and businesses that cannot afford these prices are then given slow speeds to their content.

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This puts small to medium sized business at risk because of the disadvantage they would experience from slow speeds. Providers also have the ability to greatly hinder content that goes against their interests or beliefs. Providers have the power to choose the winners and the losers in the online markets.

Cloud computing brings powerful IT services to businesses at prices they can afford. Building your own IT infrastructure for your business is a tough job and the cloud has made the investment much easier. Businesses that utilize cloud services have top quality software, hardware, and maintenance without the costs. Cloud-hosting providers take care of the technology so companies can focus on their business.

For those companies that rely on Cloud Computing to run their business, they will be at risk of slow speeds. If their cloud is inaccessible, their business suffers. When business does not have access to the fast lanes on the information highway, their productivity can be severely hindered. They need Net Neutrality to continue enjoying equal access to share information.

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