• April 08, 2015

Cloud Hosted Sage Office Connector CRE on the Cloud

Trapp Technology

Cloud Hosted Sage Office Connector CRE on the Cloud

Cloud Hosted Sage Office Connector CRE on the Cloud 1080 454 Trapp Technology

Cloud Hosted Sage Office Connector in Your Office

With Cloud Hosted Sage Office Connector, you have a series of options to query, report, and move data back and forth between Excel and Sage 300. For the construction and real estate industries, this can save a lot of time with reporting and analyzing tasks using excel. And with the connecter integrated with your Excel and Sage 300 software on the cloud, you can do work from anywhere!

Cloud Hosted Sage Office Connector

Are you using Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate (Sage Timberline Office) at your business? How are you handling reports and analysis? Do you spend time manually entering projects back and forth from Excel to Sage 300? With the cloud hosted Sage Office Connector, you get an easy solution to seamlessly connect your data on each software.

The cloud hostedSage Office Connector series consists of several different products giving you the tools to make queries, input new data, import from Excel, and create financial reports.

Query: Sage Office Connector will automatically retrieve your data from sage 300 and analyzing it using Excel reports, worksheets, and graphs.

Write: Use Sage Office Connector to map out data from Excel worksheets and forms to corresponding fields within Sage 300.

Import: The Sage Office Connector app will quickly save Excel worksheets in formats that can be imported into Sage 300.

Financials: With cloud hosted Sage Office Connector, you can use your financial data from Sage 300 on Excel to create financial reports with all of Excel’s features.

Using software and applications that integrate with your existing solutions saves the time and hassle of migrating your data to a new solution. You also save on the time it takes to learn how to properly use the new software and training employees on the new software.

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Here are the ways your business benefits from utilizing cloud hosted Sage Office Connector:

  • Easily transfer data between Sage 300 and Excel
  • Advantageous flexibility with familiar software
  • Reduce data entry times
  • Improve reporting and workflow
  • Use Excel as a reporting and productivity tool
  • Added confidence in your numbers and data

If you require a mobile solution or a solution that you can access remotely, the cloud is a great place to integrate your software. The cloud can support your Sage 300 CRE and Excel software so you can take your solutions anywhere. The integration of your Sage Office Connector will also be much more secure when running on a private cloud server.

With added mobility, you can take your data with you and access it on your tablet or phone through your cloud. This means you can make quick adjustments to your data or even work from home at any time. Construction is an industry that needs a lot of flexibility because workers are required to be on multiple sites at different parts of the day. The cloud lets you quickly respond to those tasks at a moments notice because cloud hosted sage office connector is available at all times and places.

Contact Us and get Cloud Hosted Sage Office Connector on our 30-Day Test Drive!

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