• August 13, 2013

Tax Season Tips: Reduce Tax Season Stress by a Million Percent (Approximately)

Trapp Technology

Tax Season Tips: Reduce Tax Season Stress by a Million Percent (Approximately)

Tax Season Tips: Reduce Tax Season Stress by a Million Percent (Approximately) 1080 454 Trapp Technology

Tax Season Tips

April 15 is long gone, but you’re probably already dreading next tax season. You might have lost some locks of hair, pulled out in a fit of rage, and if you have a little bit of PTSD every time you hear anyone say anything that sounds anything like “W2,” then you should probably do everything you can to ensure that the next tax season is not like the last.
First, take a deep breath. We’ll get through this together! Grab a brown paper bag in case of hyperventilation, and let’s get to work.


Stay Current With Your Record Keeping

First and foremost, if you have some record keeping that you should be doing right now, stop reading. Go take care of it. Really, the golden rule of being organized in preparation for tax season is to not procrastinate. Even if you’re not in the office, you can access your accounting software from any location if your software is in the cloud! So you can’t use your usual excuses — forgot to enter those records at the office? You can do them quickly at home! Set a reminder to update your records, and when it goes off, just do it.

Get It Together

Admit it. You’ve got a little bit of everything,  everywhere — receipts in a shoe box, invoices haphazardly stuffed into a file folder in your desk, some spreadsheets on your hard drive, and maybe even a few pieces of data on your phone. You need to get all of your data in one central location; preferably, somewhere you can access from anywhere. See where I’m going with this? The cloud will keep everything in one place, and will help cut down on frantic searches for that one missing invoice that you swear you had in your hand five seconds ago.

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Have a Direct Line of Communication with your Accountant

If you move your accounting software to the cloud, you can elect to have your accountant receive a secure login and password, giving them secure, immediate access to your financial data. This eliminates the frantic scramble to get your financial documents to your accountant in time for the tax deadline, streamlining the entire tax filing process.

Get a head start on next year’s tax season and get your financial information in the cloud. Sign up here for a 30 day test drive — no credit card information required.

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