• December 30, 2013

Oh What Fun! Trapp Technology Celebrates the Holidays

Trapp Technology

Oh What Fun! Trapp Technology Celebrates the Holidays

Oh What Fun! Trapp Technology Celebrates the Holidays 1080 454 Trapp Technology

On Christmas Eve, our Scottsdale, Arizona office spent the day letting loose a bit for our annual holiday party. After being treated to Starbucks and Einsteins Bagels, the team was presented with a set of challenges. Our competitive team was feverishly vying for bragging rights, and I’m pretty sure “Eye of the Tiger” was playing in the background at some point.

Lego Logo Building Competition

We’re hands-on kind of folks around here. What better way to flex our creative muscles than by building our logos with Legos? Best idea ever, right?

We split our office into three teams, and assigned each team a Trapp company logo — Trapp Online, Trapp Connect, and Trapp Tech. We armed them with ridiculous amounts of blue, white, and gray Legos, and told them to have at it! The winner was to be determined by our Facebook fans later in the day.



Pretty soon, a black market of sorts arose in the conference room, with teams bartering, sometimes ruthlessly, to obtain the pieces that they so desperately needed to complete their logos. We may or may not have seen people swipe a few Lego pieces when the opposing team wasn’t looking.


The creations are beginning to take shape! There were a few rip and replace sessions done by the Trapp Online team.


There was no shortage of intimidation and friendly mud slinging from all sides of the table :).

The Final Lego Logos

Trapp Online


Trapp Connect


Trapp Tech


Trapp Tech ended up taking the prize for best Lego logo, but we think that all three are incredibly well designed! These will be displayed in our offices for sure!

See also  Employee Spotlight: Adam Merkley, Onboarding Specialist

2nd Annual Pool Tournament

We’ve continued the pool tournament tradition! Each team member was randomly paired with another, a bracket was created, and we got down to business.


Our Director of Sales, Reed Clarke (pictured above, left) ended up taking home the championship trophy for the second year in a row. Always modest, he did me a favor and took a photo of his trophies.


We also created a scavenger hunt of sorts — team members were given ten clues, and instructed to scour the pages of community.trapponline.com to find the answers and complete a phrase. I don’t think I’ve ever seen our team scan pages so quickly!

After all the door prizes were handed out, and the barbecue sandwiches were long gone, we all wrapped up the last few loose ends before the holidays. We couldn’t be happier with our team and our culture, and building these company traditions is something we value immensely.

We hope you had a great holiday!