• June 04, 2014

From High Tech to Low Tech: Why Arizona Weather Works

Trapp Technology

From High Tech to Low Tech: Why Arizona Weather Works

From High Tech to Low Tech: Why Arizona Weather Works 1080 454 Trapp Technology

Arizona Weather: reduced risk for Natural Disasters strengthen booming Data Center market.

We all know safeguarding data against potential hazards is critical. Besides power loss, security breaches, and human error, Natural Disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, blizzards, and floods, pose a major threat to data centers and the valuable assets held within. Yet, in choosing the location of a data center, many companies overlook these potential hazards and limit their selection based on office residency. Here in Arizona, we have the best of both worlds!

Years over, Arizona cities has been listed as some of the Top 10 cities Most Safe from Natural Disasters. In 2008, Mesa, AZ tied for 1st place, while Phoenix and Tucson shared 3rd, according to U.S. News & World Report. These evaluations not only asses natural disaster risks, but the susceptibility of areas to incur catastrophic events.


Furthermore, when businesses evaluate areas to establish, do business in, or relocate, an important factor to consider is the reduction of risk that a catastrophe will affect the business. When Risk and Insurance ranked Phoenix as the 2nd safest U.S. Metro Area, relative to natural disasters, the Greater Phoenix Economic Council cited the area’s high ranking “due to its distance from the Atlantic and Gulf costs, which allows for protection from hurricanes. In addition, the region rarely experiences major earthquakes and tremor activity, with no deaths or injuries from earthquakes occurring in Arizona in the last century.”

Arizona’s location and climate provide one of the safest and most protected environments for data centers, bolstering the state’s rapidly growing data center industry, something Trapp Technology is proud to be a part of! Of course, Arizona weather is notoriously known for the summer heat, which can consistently be 100+ degrees for days on end. While Natural Disasters and their effects are unpredictable, we can plan around summer temperatures and even make the best of it!

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Check out what our Trapp Team did with cookie dough, a car, and good ol’ Arizona heat.


Step 1: Preheat the oven. (Anything over 100º will do!)


Step 2: Roll cookie dough on baking pan.


Step 3: Place on center console rack.


Step 4: Cookies are done when firmly set and browned.


Step 5: Share and enjoy your hot Arizona-made cookies!

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