• May 01, 2015

Compliance, Your Business, and Your Cloud Provider

Compliance, Your Business, and Your Cloud Provider

Compliance, Your Business, and Your Cloud Provider 1080 491 Trapp Technology

Ask Your Cloud Host About Compliance

Are you concerned about the compliance standards of your cloud hosting provider? Do they meet your standards? It is important to choose the cloud provider that will meet your company’s needs and make sure your company follows compliance. There are many concerns regarding compliance, and it is important to look into a provider and get all the information you need.

Many businesses have concerns about compliance when they are using the cloud. The biggest concerns are violating data protection laws, violating security policies, and violating laws against moving sensitive data out of a country. 58 percent said that their current service violated data protection, 31 percent said security policies were violated, and 11 percent said theirs violated moving sensitive data.

Your data is sensitive. If you aren’t on a cloud that treats your data like it were its own, then you should be worried about your security. The best way to keep your data safe is to go with a cloud host that can keep your data safe. When talking to your cloud service provider, you need to contact the representative that can match your service with the compliance standards you must meet.

HIPAA, the Health Insurance, Portability and Accountability Act, is the major compliance code for the health industry. This is an example of a standard your health company must meet when storing client data. If you want to host your information on the cloud, you must make sure that information is stored on an environment that meets HIPAA compliancy.

See also  Best Practices For Cloud Hosting

There are many different compliancy standards that a business must meet to continue to run as a trustworthy service. Compliancy standards are also well tracked so you should be able to reach out to a provider and ask for records that prove that they meet your standards. If they decline, they are not a trustworthy cloud provider and you should avoid doing business with them.

When your company works with a cloud provider to manage your infrastructure, applications, or data, that provider becomes your partner and must maintain their business to fit with yours. Security for your data should be a priority regardless of hosting on the cloud or keeping data on-site. The example with HIPAA is important because it was set in place to protect patient’s confidential data. Any health establishment that cannot meet those standards will instantly lose trust within their market.

The bottom line with compliancy is to ask your cloud provider questions. They should act as an extension of your business so you have to make sure they meet the compliance
standards that you have set within your company and industry. Keeping up with compliance standards gives you and your customer piece of mind because it means your data on the cloud is safe.

Contact Us and ask about our compliance standards then start your 30-day trial!