• July 03, 2013

Cloud Myths

Trapp Technology

Cloud Myths

Cloud Myths 1080 454 Trapp Technology

 Top 5 Cloud Myths Debunked

There’s no denying that “the cloud” is definitely a buzz word nowadays. You’re seeing it all over the web, in forums, magazines, and newspapers. Sometimes, the discussion starts to feel a bit like the game of telephone played on the schoolyards across the country, and the message is getting garbled. We’re here to set the record straight and clear up a few rumors you might’ve heard.

1.) Cloud computing will totally wipe out IT jobs. While cloud computing will definitely make it easier for businesses to outsource their server management, this just means that IT roles will evolve along with cloud adoption. Instead of tending to servers, IT personnel can be left to innovate!


2.) Clouds are one-size-fits-all. Well, they kind of are in the sense that the cloud is totally scalable and can grow or downsize with your business as needed. But the takeaway message is that there is no cookie cutter solution that will fit for each and every business. Each organization has different needs, and their cloud is going to need to adjust accordingly.

3.) The cloud just isn’t secure. The fact is that most businesses often improve their security measures by moving to the cloud, since a cloud provider and data center have an arsenal of personnel, redundant back ups, automatic updates, and industry standards to adhere to.

4.) Cloud computing is an all-or-nothing situation. Not necessarily. You can move your organizations to cloud-based systems as they’re needed. Companies are looking at a wide range of cloud solutions in order to be able to respond quickly to new trends and marketplace realities.

See also  Construction in the Cloud: Mobility and Collaboration

5.) The biggest benefit is lower costs. Look, we love saving money as much as the next person, and reduced cap-ex costs is a pretty great reason to move to the cloud, but don’t be blinded by the savings here. One enterprise may see the cloud as a way to improve collaboration and interoffice communication, while another might heavily rely on the ability to access their data from any device (community management or construction, anyone?). Think of the cost savings as the icing on the cake!

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