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July 2013

Trapp Technology
Application Integration: Whiteboard Wednesday 1080 454 Trapp Technology

Application Integration: Whiteboard Wednesday

If you’ve ever asked a cloud hosting provider to host your third party application integration in the cloud, only to be disappointed at their refusal,…

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Trapp Technology
Sage Summit 2013 1080 454 Trapp Technology

Sage Summit 2013


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Trapp Technology
What is Cloud Accounting? 1080 454 Trapp Technology

What is Cloud Accounting?

Cloud Accounting: Defined It’s a buzzword that’s generating more and more interest as time goes on, and businesses of all sizes are starting to take…

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Trapp Technology
Changes To QuickBooks Premier 2013 1080 454 Trapp Technology

Changes To QuickBooks Premier 2013

 QuickBooks Premier Updates Each year, Intuit releases updates to their QuickBooks software that can make users a little nervous. Don’t panic! We’ve got you covered.…

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Trapp Technology
Employee Spotlight: Ashley Capps, Brand and Culture Manager 1080 454 Trapp Technology

Employee Spotlight: Ashley Capps, Brand and Culture Manager

 Ashley Capps, Brand and Culture Manager, Trapp Technology Hello, Trapp Technology Community readers! I’m Ashley Capps, the Brand and Culture Manager at Trapp Technology. Read on to…

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Trapp Technology
Whiteboard Wednesday: The Steps to the Cloud 1080 454 Trapp Technology

Whiteboard Wednesday: The Steps to the Cloud

The Steps to the Cloud From the multi-location access to the ultra secure data, you’re sold on the idea of the cloud. But what’s next? Today’s…

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Trapp Technology
How to Verify and Rebuild Your QuickBooks Data 1080 454 Trapp Technology

How to Verify and Rebuild Your QuickBooks Data

 Verifying and Rebuilding QuickBooks Data Did you know that we recommend that you verify and rebuild your QuickBooks data every quarter? When was the last…

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Trapp Technology
Enter to win an iPad Mini and Trapp Technology Cloud Hosting Prize Pack! 1080 454 Trapp Technology

Enter to win an iPad Mini and Trapp Technology Cloud Hosting Prize Pack!


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Trapp Technology
Whiteboard Wednesday: The Dedicated Server Difference 1080 454 Trapp Technology

Whiteboard Wednesday: The Dedicated Server Difference

The Dedicated Server Difference Learn more about the difference between a multi-tenant and Dedicated Server environment for your cloud. We’ve talked before about how Trapp…

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Trapp Technology
July Message from the CEO 1080 454 Trapp Technology

July Message from the CEO

Summer is in full swing here at the Trapp Technology offices, and we’re keeping busy! Our blistering Arizona heat has been pretty brutal so far,…

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Trapp Technology
5 Investments Small Businesses Need to Make 1080 454 Trapp Technology

5 Investments Small Businesses Need to Make

 Top 5 Small Business Investments We know your business budget is probably tight. You’re growing quickly, and you’re wondering what purchases you need to be…

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Trapp Technology
Is Bring Your Own Cloud Causing IT Headaches? 1080 454 Trapp Technology

Is Bring Your Own Cloud Causing IT Headaches?

 Is Bring Your Own Cloud Causing IT Headaches? The quick rise of BYOD is sweeping the workplace with fervor, and it’s only natural to assume…

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Trapp Technology
How the Cloud is Reshaping the Corporate World 1080 454 Trapp Technology

How the Cloud is Reshaping the Corporate World

How the Cloud is Reshaping the Corporate World It’s been quite the buzz phrase for the past 2 years — “the cloud” — and there’s…

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Trapp Technology
How to Customize a Toolbar in QuickBooks 1080 454 Trapp Technology

How to Customize a Toolbar in QuickBooks

How to Customize a Toolbar in QuickBooks Your Intuit QuickBooks software will come with a factory set icon bar at the top of your screen.…

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Trapp Technology
Cloud Myths 1080 454 Trapp Technology

Cloud Myths

 Top 5 Cloud Myths Debunked There’s no denying that “the cloud” is definitely a buzz word nowadays. You’re seeing it all over the web, in…

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