• August 06, 2014

Trapp Technology Heads to TOPS CAMfire Conference 2014!

Trapp Technology

Trapp Technology Heads to TOPS CAMfire Conference 2014!

Trapp Technology Heads to TOPS CAMfire Conference 2014! 1080 454 Trapp Technology

Exclusive TOPS Software Cloud Hosting Provider Attends CAMFire Conference 2014

Camfire conference 2014

Trapp Technology is a proud partner of TOPS Software, the developer of the industry-leading TOPS Professional Software suite for Condominium and Homeowner’s Association Management. As a longtime provider of Cloud Hosting solutions for TOPS Professional and TOPS IQ software, Trapp Technology will be front and center at this year’s CAMfire Confrence by TOPS.

The CAMfire Conference kicks off tomorrow August 7, 2014, gathering Community Association Management (CAM) professionals, industry thought leaders, and TOPS Software users in St. Petersburg, FL. This 2 day event aims to educate, network, and build relationships between TOPS users, accounting professionals, property managers, and management company executives alike!

Representing Team Trapp at CAMfire Conference 2014 are:




 VP of Marketing: DJ Jones (@TrappCorpDJ)

Creative Manager: Ashley Capps (TrappCorpAshley)

 Sales Manager: Brian Swartz (@TrappCorpBrian)

DJ will be a keynote speaker and presenter for the CAM Industry Session entitled “Risky Business: Data Protection in the 21st Century” (Day 2, Session 3), alongside Mike Egelston, CEO of SenEarthCo. The presentation is specifically designed to educate CAM industry professionals on security risks surrounding modern technology and data privacy, and recommendations on how to mitigate such risks. DJ will utilize real-world examples that have affected the industry, as well as highlight the difference in security levels and their benefits between on-premise and cloud hosted software.

Ashley, joined by other thought leaders, will provide her valuable insight to Social Media and Digital marketers during the CAM Industry Session interactive panel discussions entitled “Social Media and your Management Company” (Day 2, Session 1). This discussion aims to encourage companies to join in on the Global conversation that’s already happening.

See also  Trapp Technology Unites Hosting, Internet and Managed Services Providers

Both talks guarantee valuable insight and application, so be sure to take notes!

Look for Trapp Technology’s booth and see why we’re TOPS’ trusted Cloud Hosting Solutions partner. For more in-depth conversations about Cloud Hosting, say hello to DJ, Ashley, and Brian, and discover what Trapp Technology can do for you!

For live updates from Team Trapp, follow our Twitter accounts and #CAMfireConference.