• July 08, 2014

Employee Spotlight: Barry Fivelson, Senior Manager of Professional Services

Trapp Technology

Employee Spotlight: Barry Fivelson, Senior Manager of Professional Services

Employee Spotlight: Barry Fivelson, Senior Manager of Professional Services 1080 454 Trapp Technology

Welcome Barry Fivelson, Trapp Technology’s Senior Manager of Professional Services. Get to know more about “B5” and his role at Trapp Technology in this issue of Employee Spotlight!


Describe your job at Trapp Technology.
I design, manage, and monitor Trapp Technology customer networks. I have a strong background in voice over IP (VoIP), which can help in development of future ventures in communications and collaboration.

How do you describe what you do for a living to your friends?
I fix the computers.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I didn’t! But when I grow up, I want to be in Technology. I can’t remember how old I was; when did DOS 6.0 come out? (1993) It was a constant problem that needed to be solved, always something new to do. I never got bored, so I knew then the Tech industry was something I wanted to be part of.

If you could trade places with any famous person, living or dead, who would it be and why?
Albert Einstein is the first person that comes to mind. I’d want to know what was going in his brain, how he processed his thoughts, and have access to his knowledge in present time. Even for just a moment. With the resources we have today, who knows what he could’ve accomplished.

What’s the last book you read in its entirety?
I’m not even sure. Probably a technical manual. Pass.

What is your favorite sport to watch? To play?
I used to play hockey and grew up watching the Phoenix Coyotes, but I don’t watch it anymore. I prefer being part of the action. Now I watch NBA games, especially during playoff season.

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What’s your ideal travel destination?
Japan, to ride on those high-speed bullet trains. It’s a testament to mankind’s ingenuity and modern engineering.

Where can we find you when you’re not working?
Producing electronic dance music or attending live music events or major festivals like Coachella. I’ve been listening to EDM for over 16 years and counting. My favorite band is Pendulum Live.

Do you do any volunteer work?

I am looking forward to participating in Trapp Technology’s volunteer efforts this month with Feed My Starving Children, a non-profit organization committed to supplying the world’s children with food shipments. We’ll be hand packing meals to send to malnourished children all over the world.

Have you ever been told that you look like someone famous?
I’d heard I looked like Sean Penn, when I was younger.

Where did you grow up? What do you love about it?
I’m a proud Arizona native. What I really loved about growing up in the Phoenix area is the weather; not having to deal with snow unless you wanted to, but could drive to Flagstaff if you did. And the infamous Arizona heat probably forced me to do more indoor activities, like fixing the computer!

What could you not get through the day without?
Caffeine. I need it first thing in the morning, or else efficiency goes down and productivity suffers.

What’s your favorite childhood memory?
I vividly remember our family dog, Bentley, a brown Dachshund aka “weiner dog”. It was initially my brother’s dog, but when he couldn’t take care of it, the family took over. Four years thereafter, we went to the breeder and I got my first dog, another Dachshund, who I named Ozzie.

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What was your first job, and would you do it again if you had to?
I worked at Earl’s Restaurant, formerly located here in Scottsdale, as a Line Cook and Apps Call. I was in charge of making appetizers and calling dishes to be “fired”, meaning start cooking it. My worst memory of it all was cleaning up at the end of the night and having to change the oil in the deep fryer. It was a mess, and I would probably not do it again. If I had to go back to the food industry, I’d try bartending because it seems more interesting.

What characteristics do you admire in others?
Objectiveness. I admire people who can speak their minds, and are not afraid of going against the grain, when they really believe in something. Also, honesty and integrity, because when people aren’t afraid to own up to their actions and become transparent with each other, it makes everything better for everyone.

What is your favorite movie?
I watched Blood Sport (1988) over and over and over again. My favorite scene is right after the character Chong Lee (Bolo Yeung) takes out Ray Jackson (Donald Gibbs), he points at Frank Dux (Jean-Claude Van Damme) and says, “You are next!”.

How do you want to be remembered?
Positively. As long as they remember me.

What has been your proudest moment thus far with Trapp Technology?
So far, getting an official title and business cards, and being welcomed to a great team.

What are you most passionate about professionally?
Solving people’s problems with technology and teaching them how to be more efficient with it. I’m naturally happy helping people, so that translates into my work as a professional.

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What do you think sets Trapp Technology apart from the competition?
Trapp Technology in its entirety is well versed in the technology arena. What sets us apart from the rest is the ability to work together towards a single goal. That synergy is unmatched and what drives our success.

Want to work with Trapp Technology’s Senior Manager of Professional Services? Browse our open careers here!

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