• June 20, 2014

Employee Spotlight: Amber Gatley, Accountant

Trapp Technology

Employee Spotlight: Amber Gatley, Accountant

Employee Spotlight: Amber Gatley, Accountant 1080 454 Trapp Technology

Meet Amber Gatley, who works in Trapp Technology Accounting! Read on to get to know more about Amber, and her role at Trapp Technology.

Amber Gatley, Accountant, Trapp Technology

Describe your job at Trapp Technology.

I take care of accounts receivable, updating invoices, payment methods, contacting customers for payment, if need be. Currently we are upgrading our accounting software to SAP and I’ve been migrating all the invoices and payment methods over.

How do you describe what you do for a living to your friends?
Show me the money!

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
For starters, I refuse to believe I have “grown up”, that would be admitting I’m an adult! My father was a K-9 narcotics officer and we always had police dogs in the house which I loved. I thought working with animals in some manner would be wonderful.


If you could trade places with any famous person, living or dead, who would it be and why?
I think being Angelina Jolie for a bit would be interesting. I would get to be a great humanitarian, do a lot of traveling, partake in some fun action movies, rock a pretty awesome physique, oh and the being married to Brad Pitt part wouldn’t be all bad.

What’s the last book you read in its entirety?
“A Walk in the Woods” by Bill Bryson.

What is your favorite sport to watch? To play?
I enjoy watching Basketball and playing football.

What’s your ideal travel destination?
I love to travel and it would be wonderful to make it everywhere. My next major travel destination is Powell River, Canada for my honeymoon which I am very excited about visiting again.

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Where can we find you when you’re not working?
My fiancé and I are avid hikers and are always looking for the next great trail and camp site. We had a wonderful adventure hiking the Grand Canyon last year.

Do you do any volunteer work?
I have helped out with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

Have you ever been told that you look like someone famous?
I went platinum blonde and super red once; both times I heard Uma Thurman.

Where did you grow up? What do you love about it?
I’m a native to Arizona.  There are great places to hike , plus every hot vacation spot is a quick drive from here.

What could you not get through the day without?
The boys I go home to every day. Three furry ones and one two legged one.

What’s your favorite childhood memory?
I really enjoyed my family trips to our cabin up north. I could lay in the hammock all day reading and watching wildlife around me, while the fresh air circulated all around.

What was your first job, and would you do it again if you had to?
I worked for the Government when the Census was being done, as my first job. It was a great first working experience. There were lots of crazy stories from the collectors and I befriended two deaf gentleman who taught me some sign language.

What characteristics do you admire in others?

What is your favorite movie?
Tommy Boy

How do you want to be remembered?
That I had a strong concern for the wellbeing of others, human and animal.

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What has been your proudest moment thus far with Trapp Technology?
Very soon I will have everything transferred over to the new accounting software which will make a positive impact for Trapp Technology.

What are you most passionate about professionally?
Completely nerdy, but I get really excited when my aging report has very little outstanding invoices. It means I’ve been doing my job well and that always feels good.

What do you think sets Trapp Technology apart from the competition?
I don’t think we could find a better group and people. The Trapp employees are really passionate about what they do and the impact that they have on this company. They see no boundaries, which means the possibilities are endless!

Want to work with our accountant? Browse the Trapp Technology careers page here!

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