• February 13, 2014

Trapp Technology Customer Solution Case Study: Carol’s Accounting & Tax Services

Trapp Technology

Trapp Technology Customer Solution Case Study: Carol’s Accounting & Tax Services

Trapp Technology Customer Solution Case Study: Carol’s Accounting & Tax Services 1080 454 Trapp Technology
Trapp Technology Hosting Saves Time, Increases Data Security for Carol’s Accounting Tax Service


Trapp Technology puts us ahead of any bookkeeping or accounting firm on laptops or local servers. Hosting is changing the way business is done because the Cloud is everywhere.

— Carol Weber, Owner, Carol’s Accounting and Tax Service, PLLC

Customer:  Carol’s Accounting & Tax Service

Website:  catspllc.com
Location:  Arizona
Industry:  Professional Services
Partner:  Trapp Technology
Website: www.trapptechnology.com

Customer Profile

Carol’s Accounting and Tax Service, PLLC, a Surprise, Arizona tax accounting firm, services 35 construction, retail, restaurant, and landscaping small business clients in the Phoenix metro area. In her fifth year of business, Carol Weber, Owner, and a few contract employees provide income tax services working from home. New clients are obtained primarily through networking and referrals.

Weber belongs to the National Society of Accountants and the National Association of Tax Preparers.

Carol Weber of Carol’s Accounting and Tax Service saves six hours per week in travel time with access from anywhere to her hosted client’s software and files on Trapp Technology’s MyAccountingCloud. Weber can take on more clients with the same staff and clients’ sensitive tax and business data is more secure in the Cloud. MyAccountingCloud provides fast, secure, reliable hosting with outstanding customer service for Weber and her clients.

Business Needs

Non-Productive Time

Living and working in Surprise, AZ, Carol Weber spent hours every week traveling to clients’ offices to exchange files and QuickBooks backup copies. Weber also made appointments to look at files with clients on-site. Non-productive time added up. “I have clients who are a good half hour away. It was inconvenient,” explained Weber. “There was the driving time, and people would forget. It was a big hassle.”

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Security Concerns

Weber kept clients’ files on her home computer and laptop with no special security. “These were tax files with names, birthdates, Social Security numbers, addresses and email addresses,” stated Weber. “If my computer died and wasn’t backed up you’d read about it in the papers. If the data were stolen I would probably get sued for not securing the data.”


Trapp Technology

In 2010 Weber met Trapp Technology at a local networking group. They discussed hosting Weber’s files and software on Trapp Technology’s MyAccountingCloud service. “They definitely knew what they were talking about,” said Weber. “It sounded like a great option for me.” Weber waited one year until she got a few more clients and then decided to move forward.

Easy Setup

Weber moved her files and data to MyAccountingCloud in early 2011. Trapp Technology’s onboarding procedures make converting to the Cloud fast and easy. “You just complete a simple form on the website, email them your files and a QuickBooks backup,” explained Weber. “Trapp Technology sends instructions and the login credentials, and off you go. It’s no big deal.”

Four of Weber’s clients soon converted to MyAccountingCloud following a similar procedure. “I told my clients that this is the way to work,” stated Weber. “I can get the conversion done in a day. For my clients it’s very painless.”

Easy to Use

Trapp Technology provides a single access point for all of Weber’s clients on the Cloud, a customized portal with one password. There is no local software install for customers; it’s all on Trapp Technology. Even if clients are each on different accounting software, Weber can access them all through the portal page, which Trapp Technology set up and manages for her. “Accessing MyAccountingCloud is fast and easy,” stated Weber. “It’s just logging in and using QuickBooks as normal.”

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Dedicated Servers

Trapp Technology’s dedicated servers make client data highly secure at an attractive price. “I’d be in big trouble if client data was lost or stolen,” stated Weber. “These are privately held companies, some of them retail, with customer information in their files.”

Reliable and Fast

Trapp Technology guarantees 99.5% uptime for hosting clients. Fast, dedicated servers at Trapp Technology’s secure Phoenix data center contribute to improved response times. “I’ve never had a problem,” stated Weber. “And, system response time is often faster.”

Great Support

Trapp Technology provides responsive U.S.-based telephone, chat and email support. “Trapp Technology’s customer service is wonderful,” said Weber. “When I have a problem I want to get an answer now, not in three hours, because I’m losing work time.”

When setting up a new client on the Cloud, customer service personnel respond quickly. “Every time I call I get through to somebody,” explained Weber. “You’re not sitting on hold for half an hour, like trying to call the IRS.”


Saves Six Hours per Week

With client data on the Cloud, Weber makes fewer trips to clients’ offices resulting in less driving time. “I figure that I save about six hours per week plus gas and wear and tear on the car,” said Weber. “The time saved allows me to take on more clients with the same staff. I love Trapp Technology!”

Anywhere Access

Weber’s clients on MyAccounting Cloud enjoy access to their files from anywhere, even from their mobile devices. Likewise, Weber is able to access clients’ files from the office, at home or wherever she has an internet connection. “Once, I was on a cruise ship off the coast of Spain doing client work,” said Weber. In addition, she has occasionally accessed files from her iPad.

See also  Making a local backup on Quickbooks while working in the cloud

Customer Satisfaction

Weber’s clients enjoy better service being on the Cloud. “I can get on right away and not have to run over there, and that’s huge,” explained Weber. “I can sit here at home and do work for several clients without leaving my chair. And, there’s no driving delay.” 99.5% guaranteed uptime also means clients have access to their data anytime and anywhere they need it.

More Secure

Trapp Technology’s secure data center, disaster recovery procedures, and regular backups make Weber’s and her clients’ data highly secure. Dedicated servers prevent a customer from seeing another client’s name or data. “Security on the Cloud is much better. Files are backed up,” stated Weber. “That’s why I put my tax files up there. I definitely sleep better at night.”

Recent experience confirmed Weber’s decision to move to the Cloud. “My computer died this year so I was really glad I had done it,” explained Weber. “And, if somebody had stolen my laptop they wouldn’t have the data.”

More Success

Carol’s Accounting and Tax Service enjoys a competitive advantage by being hosted on Trapp Technology’s MyAccountingCloud. “Trapp Technology puts us ahead of any bookkeeping or accounting firm on laptops or local servers,” stated Weber. “I always mention it to prospects.”

If your company could benefit from cloud hosting in a similar way to Carol’s Accounting & Tax Services, PLLC, feel free to contact us and a Trapp Technology employee will get in touch with you.