• September 23, 2014

Trapp Heads to Las Vegas CamFire Conference 2014 by TOPS Software

Trapp Technology

Trapp Heads to Las Vegas CamFire Conference 2014 by TOPS Software

Trapp Heads to Las Vegas CamFire Conference 2014 by TOPS Software 1080 454 Trapp Technology


Trapp is heading to Las Vegas, Nevada for the All New CAMFire Conference by TOPS Software. Just as we did in St. Petersburg, FL., Team Trapp will be participate as key note speakers, panelists, and exhibitors to “INFORM. INSPIRE. IGNITE” community association management professionals.

CAMFire Las Vegas will be held on September 25-26, at Bally’s hotel and Casino. Attendees will have the option to choose from one of the 32 CAMFire Classes, with 4 sessions simultaneously conducted, totaling 16 per day. Our very own VP of Sales and Marketing, DJ Jones, will facilitate 2 sessions on Friday, Day 2 of CAMFire.

We highly recommend attending the CAM Industry Sessions: Social Media and your Management Company, (Day 2, Session 1, River Room) and Risky Business: Data Protection in the 21st Century (Day 2, Session 3). Both sessions are guaranteed to provide valuable industry insight, so be front and center with your notes!

Representing Team Trapp are:




Reed Clarke VP of Business Development (@TrappCorpReed)
Brian Swartz Sales Manager (@TrappCorpBrian)

TOPS users of any skill level, accounting professionals, property managers, and management company executives should visit Trapp Technology’s booth to learn more about cloud hosting solutions for TOPS software! To LIVE updates from Team Trapp, follow our Twitter accounts and #CAMfireConference.

Learn more about TOPS Software on the Cloud:
  • Tops Software Cloud Hosting: Whiteboard Wednesday
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