• April 09, 2013

Technology Day Conference Recap

Trapp Technology

Technology Day Conference Recap

Technology Day Conference Recap 1080 454 Trapp Technology

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On April 4, vendors descended upon Scottsdale to collaborate and converse about the cloud and it’s benefits for the construction industry. Trapp Technology was there, and our President Greg Forshey lead a break out session that was really well received!


We had a table set up in the main ballroom with iPads and Macs running both Sage 100 and Sage 300. Ed Ledgerwood gave a great opening speech, touching on different types of clouds, and how Trapp Technology is a fully hosted cloud solution. Joseph Granneman spoke about cloud security and what to look for in a cloud hosting provider.

Sage was also in attendance, and they spoke about their Sage Anywhere solution which will be released with additional features for it’s 3 main modules. They’ve partnered with Microsoft Azure, Microsoft’s cloud service providing platform.


The afternoon brought a few different breakout sessions where Greg spoke about cloud security, integration and customization, differences in clouds and data center security. Josie Wollenzien of Piracle followed Greg and touched on Piracle’s create-a-check program that we host and integrate on our cloud. Create-a-check is a third party add on that has high security printing options including a hosted cloud printer.

We had a fantastic day! Thanks for hosting, Ledgerwood Associates!

Test drive a private cloud for 30 days, risk free! It’s on us!

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