• May 02, 2018

Proper Budget Allocation for IT

Proper Budget Allocation for IT

Proper Budget Allocation for IT 1080 540 Trapp Technology

We routinely ask executive leadership and IT leadership if they think they are overspending or underspending on their IT. We found that the majority of executives feel they are overspending and the majority of IT managers feel they don’t have enough budget.

Not seeing eye-to-eye on IT spend or strategy can be a huge headache for companies, and can even reduce the efficiency of their IT efforts if both departments can’t find a happy and effective medium. So where are they supposed to draw the line?

Trapp Technology recommends looking at data points and strategy. Developing an overall business strategy will be the driver behind investing or divestment into new technologies. Spend benchmarking against your competition/strategy will then help drive the conversation of overspend/underspend.

So where can Trapp help?

  • Proven process methodology – Our approach has helped drive business growth and bottom line performance
  • Assessment/Roadmap – We’ll answer the hard questions you have regarding your IT spend
  • Implementation of Strategy – We’ll build you an IT Roadmap and help guide the execution and expected performance
  • Long-Term Partnership – We can fill many voids that the 21st century specialization of IT that SMB companies have at a greatly reduced rate when compared to hiring an in-house resource

These major benefits Trapp Technology offers have helped companies like Baker Residential, Group Mobile, and Compass Equipment save on their overall IT spend by strategically outsourcing the “keep the lights on” portion of IT management. We can do it for your company, too.

If you’re looking into optimizing your IT spend and strategy this year, or if need a second opinion on properly allocating your budget for IT, you can schedule an IT Roadmap here and we’ll be in touch right away. You can also call a Roadmap consultant at (877) 942-2568 or email sales@trapptechnology.com to speak with someone directly.

See also  3 Ways to Influence Your Technology Solutions