• October 13, 2014

Mobile Cloud: Our Devices are Always Connected. Why Aren’t We?

Trapp Technology

Mobile Cloud: Our Devices are Always Connected. Why Aren’t We?

Mobile Cloud: Our Devices are Always Connected. Why Aren’t We? 1080 454 Trapp Technology

Making the move to the mobile environment:

Mobile Devices have allowed us to be connected to the Internet in virtually every way. We have several devices that connect us to online profiles, app stores, search engines and more. But these devices are often limited by their hardware capacity. Our devices just can’t handle the work PCs and Macs perform in the office.

As employees become more connected via smartphones, tablets, and laptops, we find a need in increasing the capabilities of our devices. People have become mobile, and their workspace has to satisfy those habits. How can we make our office mobile and promote productivity? The cloud may be your solution, bringing an end to hardware limitations. Regardless of the operating system you run, Trapp allows access to its cloud hosted software from any device, anywhere. What does this mean for the modern worker?

  • Flexibility: Work when you need to, wherever you are. You will no longer be confined to the office to complete tasks. Whether it’s on site or from home, you always have your data ready.
  • Real-Time Access: Any updates you make are in real time and can be seen by your team. You are always in the loop and can see everything that happens live.
  • Cost Reduction: Save yourself from the cost of building and maintaining your IT infrastructure.  Trapp is an extension of your IT department. They take on the weight and expenses involved in your information solutions.
  • Avoid Downtime: With blended bandwidth supporting multiple Internet service providers, you always have your cloud available to you at the best speeds. If Internet service goes down from one provider, you will be seamlessly provided with the next best speed.
See also  Enter to win an iPad Mini and Trapp Technology Cloud Hosting Prize Pack!

Trapp provides constant, reliable connectivity that advances the modern workplace. Anywhere your device connects you to the web, our solutions can connect you to your business. Keep your business mobile by utilizing Trapp’s cloud.

Become Mobile With Trapp Today!

Trapp Solutions That Increase Mobility:

  • Cloud Hosted Quickbooks VS Quickbooks Online
  • Custom ERP Cloud Solutions