• April 17, 2015

Managed Service Provider (MSP) Effects on Your IT

Trapp Technology

Managed Service Provider (MSP) Effects on Your IT

Managed Service Provider (MSP) Effects on Your IT 1080 454 Trapp Technology

A Look At Managed Service Providers (MSP) For Beginners

IT is ingrained in our businesses, communities, and the way we communicate with each other. This line of communication is important when running a business because it is what connects your operations, employees, and customers. MSP, or Managed Service Providers, are giving businesses of all sizes access to technology they could not have in the past.

What is MSP? MSP is an IT solution specialist that you can hire for any number of IT services. These services can be used to implement new hardware, new software, maintenance, backups, disaster recovery, and really any IT related issue you may have. This is a broad view of MSP just to give you a general understanding of what they offer. The important point is what they offer your business.

What does your IT look like? For many small to medium sized businesses, resources are limited so often IT is a looming fear. Hardware carries a high price tag so the investment in IT systems can easily get pushed aside to worry about later.

MSP is a great solution for IT because it lets other people worry about your technology while you focus on your business.

For the small and medium-sized business, growth and improving your reach in the market is the focus. This is a great goal and it is important to improve your workplace to make more sales and provide better services. With MSP, you can hire professionals to work on your IT for a fixed monthly cost. This means you don’t have to invest into any technology all at once. An MSP will successfully implement any hardware or software needs your business needs without putting the costs of huge systems in your hands.

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Not only do you save on the cost of your hardware, you save on the labor. An MSP charges you at a monthly rate regardless of how many people they have implement your solutions. Meanwhile, they watch over your systems 24/7 and upgrade your hardware and software whenever necessary. Maintenance can be costly and time consuming, but luckily MSP provides an expert staff to keep up with these updates for you.

You already have an IT department, why would you need an MSP to complete your work? Many businesses are large enough to support their own IT department and the thought of MSP can look like an unappealing solution. But an MSP can also work alongside your IT department to cover tasks that are spreading your resources too thin.

The point above about daily maintenance is a great reason to start. How long does it take your IT staff to cover maintenance? Does that time take too much of your time and resources to make it a valuable job for your in-house IT department? MSP can get rid of your daily IT troubles and allow your IT department to focus on bigger projects.

With MSP, you get to be more productive. Whether it’s your IT department or just freeing up your time to focus on your business, you get a lot of growth from MSP. These solutions are also customized to fit exactly what your business needs so you never buy anything that isn’t right for you. MSP is a valuable resource for your IT department no matter the size business you run.

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Contact Us to learn more about MSP and find a solution for your business!

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