• June 21, 2018

Beware the Risks of Poor Security Planning

Beware the Risks of Poor Security Planning

Beware the Risks of Poor Security Planning 1080 540 Trapp Technology

When companies grow, many end up patching their IT security solutions together like Frankenstein’s monster. Rather than do the work to implement and maintain a consistent security fabric across the entirety of the network, more solutions get stitched on with little to no contingency plan moving forward.

Here’s why that’s dangerous:

Without the proper planning, implementation, and management of your security components, your company can run the risk of creating a patchwork security environment that is highly vulnerable to exploitation and attack. Once a security flaw is uncovered, it’s not a matter of if your company‎ will get hacked, but when.

The truth is, the frequency and severity of security breaches grow every year. Too often our security team speaks with a client and crisis and realize they had zero security coverage in the most vulnerable areas of their network. Although these companies have firewalls and other security efforts in place, they don’t understand

To make sure that doesn’t happen to your company, Trapp Technology’s cyber threat assessments gives your company the ability to review its security fabric as a whole to better understand where its security practices are strongest—and more importantly, where the network most vulnerable. Additionally, Trapp Technology can provide:

If it’s been awhile since you’ve had a cyber threat assessment or vulnerability scan for your company, we strongly urge you to look into one. Doing so won’t cost your company a dime, and may end up saving the company hundreds of thousands of dollars down the road.

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You can get more details on a cyber threat assessment here, including information on the different types of security tests we offer. To schedule an appointment, either fill out the form on the page or call (877) 942-2568 and we’ll be in touch.