• July 31, 2013

Application Integration: Whiteboard Wednesday

Trapp Technology

Application Integration: Whiteboard Wednesday

Application Integration: Whiteboard Wednesday 1080 454 Trapp Technology
If you’ve ever asked a cloud hosting provider to host your third party application integration in the cloud, only to be disappointed at their refusal, then it’s time to sit back and be amazed.

Business Application Integration

Many businesses have the need to host a complimentary application in the cloud along with their primary software; apps that do things like process payroll, keep track of inventory, print checks, and the like. Without these apps in the cloud, a company’s process wouldn’t be as seamless and streamlined. Trapp Technology has gone the extra mile to bring you a top-notch cloud experience through 3rd party application integration!


This week’s Whiteboard Wednesday video talks about how Trapp Technology structures their servers in a way that, while more intricate and laborious, makes them more flexible and customizable for the end user to have 3rd party application integration. Other cloud hosting companies set their servers up in a way that may be easier for them, but severely limit both the security and accessibility for their clients.

Third Party App Compatibility

Trapp Technology equips your business to be truly productive in the cloud, whereas a different solution will limit your ability to integrate all of the programs you need to get the job done. What are some other benefits of a Trapp Technology cloud hosting solution?

  • Multi-location Access – Access your data from anywhere, any time. 
  • Full Featured Access – Use all of your software’s features | Maximize, minimize, and print
  • Nightly Backups – Nightly and 7 day rolling back ups to keep your data current
  • Increased Efficiency – Have your data wherever you need it without emailing attachments or mailing thumb drives
  • Mobility – Access your software as if it were locally installed on any device, including iOS and Android devices
  • Reduced Capital Expenses – No costly server purchases, and no maintenance costs
See also  Trapp Technology's Safe, Secure, and Separated Cloud

Anxious for application integration on the cloud? We don’t blame you! Head on over to our 30-day trial page, select your software, and we’ll start building your custom cloud solution! No credit card information required.

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