• April 18, 2016

Application Cloud: Sage 500 ERP Cloud Hosting

Sage 500 ERP Cloud Hosting

Application Cloud: Sage 500 ERP Cloud Hosting

Application Cloud: Sage 500 ERP Cloud Hosting 1024 683 Trapp Technology

Sage 500 ERP Cloud Hosting With Dedicated Servers

Enterprise Resource Planning is a powerful tool for organizing and integrating critical business functions. You also have the ability to host your ERP software on a private cloud with dedicated servers to give you more control over your software. Sage 500 ERP Cloud Hosting solutions gives you remote access, security, and the financial advantage over the competition.

About Sage 500 ERP
Designed for seamless integration and customization, Sage 500 ERP automates robust financial accounting operations with the rest of critical business functions in one easy to use, cost-effective enterprise management solution. Sage ERP 500 is an integrated suite designed to maximize operational efficiency and profitability with a lower cost of ownership and high return on investment.

With Sage 500 ERP, you get advanced customization options with a broad range of modular applications – Financial Management, Manufacturing, Distribution and Supply Chain Management, Time and Project Management, HR and Payroll, CRM, Business Intelligence – designed to fit your organizations unique needs.

Software Features

  • General Ledger
  • Accounts Payable
  • Account Receivable
  • Cash Management
  • Purchase Order
  • Multicurrency Management
  • Allocations
  • Sage Active Planner for Budgeting
  • Sage Fixed Assets
    • Sage Fixed Assets – Depreciation
    • Sage Fixed Assets – Inventory

Cloud Hosting Sage 500 ERP

Remote Access
Using the cloud gives you remote access to your Sage 500 ERP software. You can easily access all your software and data from any location with Internet access and any device with Internet capabilities. You save time traveling with your data because it is always available when you need it. You get more flexibility with your schedule and the software you access.

See also  Putting Your Software on the Cloud: The Next Steps

Your cloud provider focuses on technology. This means that they provide the best technology to host your software and data while providing the best connection for your business. You no longer have to focus on your IT and can spend more time doing your work. Sage 500 ERP cloud hosting gives you the staff to manage your security and make sure your data is secure at all times.

Financial Advantage
You pay a predictable fee every month. That fee goes toward hosting your software, server maintenance, support and the technology involved in the whole process. Normally, building your technology and staff can cost you an arm and a leg. Now, you can use Sage 500 ERP cloud hosting and get all of the best technology and IT support without the major investments.

Get Sage 500 ERP Cloud Hosting for 30 Days With A Test Drive of our Solution!

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