• May 02, 2013

World Class Security on a Small Biz Budget

Trapp Technology

World Class Security on a Small Biz Budget

World Class Security on a Small Biz Budget 1080 454 Trapp Technology

World Class Security with Cloud

cloud security

Cloud security is a legitimate and common concern. But creating a safe haven for your data is a costly, time consuming effort. Once your data fortress is built, then you have to maintain it.

At least you used to. Now you can just outsource the whole endeavor and call it a day.

“The cloud allows organizations of all sizes to implement robust and effective data protection solutions despite the fact that many businesses lack the skills, staff or financial capabilities to do so. This is among the biggest drivers to implement cloud-based security tools.” (via)

Small businesses want and need the same world class security as large companies, but often times it’s just not a feasible undertaking for in-house IT companies. Or, even if it is, the price tag associated with it is out of budget. Now, the cloud affords businesses of all sizes a scalable, secure solution that is available at a fraction of the cost of doing it yourself.

We’ve talked before about how our cloud takes the extra step of separating out our clients’ information like a bank vault. But why, aside from the obvious, is cloud security important?

Critical Cloud Security

Being on a flexible, scalable, and safe cloud will give companies a leg up in the future for two reasons: it will save them money, allowing them to invest in new technologies, and the cloud will be adaptable to any change that they may encounter. So when the next generation of IT trends hits the scene, companies on the cloud will be able to utilize them with minimal complications. Competitors who aren’t on the cloud will struggle to keep up with changes.

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The simple set up process paired with a great reduction in maintenance costs are enticing companies to look seriously at cloud-based security.

Ready for World Class Security for your data? Get a 30-Day Test Drive today!

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