• November 10, 2015

Trapp Technology Acquires Centramax – Press Release

trapp technology acquires centramax

Trapp Technology Acquires Centramax – Press Release

Trapp Technology Acquires Centramax – Press Release 1024 488 Trapp Technology

Trapp Technology Acquires Largest All-Mac MSP in Arizona

Arizona-based IT solutions company adds end-to-end Mac solutions to Managed Services portfolio in latest acquisition

Scottsdale, Arizona – November 10, 2015 – Scottsdale-based Trapp Technology— a provider of IT, Internet, Voice, and cloud hosting solutions—announced today its acquisition of the largest all-Mac managed services provider in the valley, Centramax, LLC, and its national client base spanning advertising, healthcare, and business markets.

Numerous large-scale Mac environments in Arizona require compatible, cloud-based application hosting, as well as reliable managed services, thus creating a long-standing client base shared between Trapp Technology and Centramax. In a collaborative effort, Centramax clients were efficiently and seamlessly transitioned onto Trapp Technology’s larger, more robust infrastructure and operations.

Newly obtained clients now have access to Trapp Technology’s renowned 24/7/365 U.S. based technical and customer support, dedicated account managers, certified expert knowledgebase, and a comprehensive portfolio encompassing cloud, Internet, Voice, and professional and managed solutions.

“To acquire a reputable company that established itself in Mac-centric markets was a development that was just as organic as it was strategic,” says David Trapp, CEO of Trapp Technology. “We’re excited to introduce managed Mac services, hardware, and software to our current customers while meeting the increasing market demand from businesses that require specialized, yet cost-efficient technical care.”

“Centramax has highly respected Trapp Technology’s ability to combine enterprise-grade solutions with stellar customer care service for quite some time now,” says Jason Spisak, CEO of Centramax. “An enduring relationship with them made this a natural next step in our business progression. We’re confident our clients will be more than pleased with the expertise and holistic value Trapp Technology is adding to their IT services.”

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Today’s announcement expands Trapp Technology’s Managed Services portfolio with network and user management, system monitoring and maintenance, proactive security, and remote support solutions for organizations of all sizes with mixed and/or all-Mac computing systems.

For more information on end-to-end managed Mac services, now available from Trapp Technology, please contact DJ Jones at djones@trapptechnology.com.

About Trapp Technology
Trapp Technology provides the very best cloud, Internet, VoIP, and IT managed services to provide a true all-in-one IT solution for businesses who seek to cut IT costs and leverage technology to grow revenues. Trapp Technology’s services are designed to appeal to the growing number of medium- to enterprise- level businesses looking to outsource more IT infrastructure and application management services to help reduce total cost of ownership and free up internal resources, as well as those companies seeking the skills and support to quickly complete complex IT projects. For more information, visit trapptechnology.com.

Media Contact
DJ Jones Sales Manager, Trapp Technology
602-443-9145 x2007

Download the Press Release Here.