• December 20, 2013

The Holidays are Here! Gift Ideas for your Accountant, CPA, or Tax Professional

Gift ideas for your accountant

The Holidays are Here! Gift Ideas for your Accountant, CPA, or Tax Professional

The Holidays are Here! Gift Ideas for your Accountant, CPA, or Tax Professional 1024 443 Trapp Technology

8 Gift Ideas for your Accountant

Assuming he or she isn’t a total Scrooge, you’re probably stumped on gift ideas for your accountant!

It’s probably a safe bet to assume that he probably has enough ties to last him until next Christmas, so why not think outside the box? Let’s live a little, number crunchers of the world.


Your CPA worked hard for those three little letters that follow their name — I mean, there’s a whole website section dedicated to CPA exam horror stories, so their journey was surely not without trials, tribulations, and apparently, nose bleeds. Your certified public accountant paid their dues (pardon the pun), so why not give them some fine stationary to show off their designatory letters?


Organized, labeled receipts. No shoeboxes here, folks. Give them a gift they can work with, okay?


Because someone will give them crumpled receipts and expect their returns to be done ASAP.


Not only for the morning after the wine, but for any and every day. These folks put in some long hours so that we can get the deductions we so desperately crave. Why not give them some caffeine to say thanks?


A Nice Pen
These folks do a lot of writing, and they have clients using their pens to sign documents quite frequently. There’s something super classy about a business professional handing you a substantial pen while asking for your John Hancock.


Vintage Calculator
Have a hipster CPA? Hook them up with a super old school, vintage calculator. Nothing’s cooler than a Casio, bro. Old school calculator not vintage enough for your pal? Abacus.

See also  The Dedicated Resources Difference


Money-Related Board Game
These folks deal with numbers and figures all day long, so don’t cry too hard when they pass go and collect $200 while you’re sitting in jail.


Cloud Subscription
Want to really put a smile on your accountant’s face? Make their job easier. With a cloud subscription, they can work from anywhere, get easy access to their clients files, and eliminate the hassle of running backups. Really, it’s the gift that keeps on giving.

So, why wait? Tell your accountant they can test drive a private cloud for 30 days.