• March 20, 2015

Spring Cleaning: Your Business and the Cloud

Trapp Technology

Spring Cleaning: Your Business and the Cloud

Spring Cleaning: Your Business and the Cloud 1080 454 Trapp Technology

Organizing Your Business With the Cloud

Spring is a great time to get organized and take the next big steps to set your business on the road to growth. With a clear understanding on how performance from last year can be improved and some time spent developing new plans of action, you are probably ready to get going! This spring you can give your business new focus by moving to the cloud!

It’s spring-cleaning time and that means it is time to clean up any problems you may have had with IT. Perhaps you want to clean up the stack of payments you have to make for IT. Maybe you want to clean up your process and have your data readily available with remote access. You could also use an MSP that covers your daily maintenance tasks while you get ahead on your projects. The cloud lets you focus on your business so you can keep your machine spick and span.

Are you a small to medium sized business that wants to get better technology but doesn’t want the strain on their budgets? Maybe you have in-house servers that are slowing down and cannot fully support what you want to achieve. These fixes can come at a huge cost and require people in your IT department. Moving to the cloud can clean up your bills and make the payments more manageable.


If you are running your software on an in-house server, that data can be easily integrated on the cloud. All your work will transfer over and your software will work just as if it were saved to your computer. What this does is expands your resources. You have more storage space and a team of experts keeping up with your software and making sure that your information is protected. The cost of maintaining your own server can get high and the daily maintenance tasks tend to take up a lot of time. On the cloud, you get a team of people working on your technology without the extra cost of labor or hardware.

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Are you always on the move or have a small office staff that handles everything you do? The cloud allows you to have more mobility and flexibility so your team can quickly respond to your environment. If your employee is out of the office and cannot update important information without coming in, this costs time and money. With the cloud, you can access the information you need and it is all in real time! This up to date data allows you to collaborate with your team without being in the same room.

On the cloud, you have a powerful IT team without the focus on making them successful. All you have to worry about is your business and making those sales! You have time to focus on the growth of your business and keep innovating your products while reaching more customers.

We all know saving money means you are saving money. So becoming more efficient and keeping your employees informed with cloud technology leads you to saving as much time as possible.

Want to do spring cleaning? Contact Us and start a 30-Day Test Drive on the cloud!