• June 28, 2013

Non-Profit Organizations Head to the Cloud

Trapp Technology

Non-Profit Organizations Head to the Cloud

Non-Profit Organizations Head to the Cloud 1080 454 Trapp Technology

Non-profits Move to the Cloud

We tip our hats to those that are in the non-profit sector. It takes a lot for an organization to come together and be successful, and we are impressed by those that are motivated to make an impact on their community. But just because an organization is non-profit doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t make the most of their technology budget. In fact, it means the exact opposite — tight funds should be used to get the biggest bang for their buck! NTEN conducted a survey of non-profits that have adopted cloud computing. Here are some of the results:

How are non-profits using the cloud?


Among all survey respondents, staff email solutions were the most widely used type of cloud-based systems, at 69 percent. Other solutions included:
• Broadcast email, at 57 percent.
• Office software, at 44 percent.
• Data backup, at about 41 percent.
• Constituent databases, at about 40 percent.
• Phone or voicemailservices, at 36 percent.
• Documentstorage, at 32 percent.
• Photo-sharing sites, at just under 30 percent.
• Collaboration software, at 23 percent.

What’s bringing non-profits to the cloud?

Survey respondents and interviewees both mentioned that the cloud benefitted organizations
by reducing the burden on the IT infrastructure and staff. Respondents also reported taking a
number of advantages and disadvantages into account when considering cloud-based systems for their
organizations. Among them:
• more than 42 percent cited “remote access” as an advantage.
• Nearly 24 percent cited “ease of maintenance.”
• more than 50 percent cited “cost” as a factor in their selection process.
• 39 percent that decided against a cloud solution cited “total cost overtime.”
• more than 50 percent of those who decided against a cloud option cited “conversion costs.”

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When it comes down to it, non-profits are migrating to the cloud for the same reasons as for-profit enterprises. They need to increase communication, collaboration, and be able to access their data from anywhere. Additionally, being able to reduce their IT costs is a big plus when taking already stretched department budgets into consideration. Like any other purchase, it’s a matter of weighing costs and features.

Trapp Technology discounts for non-profits

Because we love seeing people work hard for the greater good, we provide each nonprofit customer with a 10% discount applied to all services. To start your 30-day test drive, sign up here!