• May 01, 2018

How to Avoid Ransomware Attacks

How to Avoid Ransomware Attacks

How to Avoid Ransomware Attacks 1080 540 Trapp Technology

It’s predicted that a business will fall victim to a ransomware attack every 14 seconds by 2019. Not surprisingly, cybercrime labs overseas often have larger budgets than the US government does for security.

Those are some pretty sobering stats, especially if you’re a small to medium-sized business. With those kinds of statistics floating around, and with countless high-profile breaches making headlines on a semi-regular basis, how can you combat the oncoming flurry of attempted attacks on your system?

Even further, on top of those stats, the most frustrating part is that you still have to invest in your businesses security to protect yourself, even if you don’t have a massive budget. Putting funds toward your security efforts while still balancing other IT projects and tasks puts companies with limited budgets into a very serious and potentially risky situation.

This is where Trapp Technology comes in. We offer small to mid-sized businesses comprehensive cyber threat assessments that can help them solve a variety of critical issues with regards to their current and future security needs, including:

  • Skills: Get a team of security experts, highly trained with access to the best tools on the market
  • Bandwidth: Having a team monitoring your system 24X7 can free up focus and/or just allow them to sleep better
  • Budget: Our Security as a Service offering often equals what it would cost to hire one high-level security resource, but offers much greater value

Trapp Technology already provides services for Loftin Equipment, Alliance Home Loans, and Mohave Community College, and we’d love to share more about our capability and how we can help your company balance your budget and ultimately avoid ransomware attacks.

See also  Security: How Much Risk Are You Willing to Live With?

If you’d like more information on any number of Trapp Technology’s security services, please visit our security program strategy page here. To speak with a security rep directly, please call (877) 942-2568 or email sales@trapptechnology.com to get in touch.