• March 07, 2013

Enjoy more Freedom of the Cloud with helpdesk.trapponline.com

Trapp Technology

Enjoy more Freedom of the Cloud with helpdesk.trapponline.com

Enjoy more Freedom of the Cloud with helpdesk.trapponline.com 1080 454 Trapp Technology

**Note: Since this post, the Trapp Technology’s Help Desk has changed.

Trapp Technology simplifies managing your cloud with Help Desk


Need to add a user, submit a support ticket or change your bank account? Trapp Technology just made life on the cloud better by grouping routine maintenance tasks onto one incredibly easy to use page at helpdesk.trapponline.com.

Help Desk from Trapp Technology

All of the things you need to do to keep the relationship going are now conveniently located in one place. Forget the fine print. Each task is clearly identified with a large colorful icon. Need to change your password?—can’t miss it. Send files to your accountant?­—no problem. Update your contact information?—piece of cake.



  • Resetting Your Password

We know that your account security is important to you, so we made sure that you had the ability to easily reset your password. Don’t remember your previous password? Simply reset with an email challenge.


  • Add/Remove User

Ready to add your newest member of the team to the cloud? We made it simple so you can get to work quickly. Simply select the Update Info icon and select Add/Remove User. Then fill in the user’s information, and hit submit.


  • Update Your Financial Professional

Similarly, you can also use the Help Desk to update your financial professional’s information. Select the Update Info icon and select Update Financial Professional. Then simply fill in the user’s information, and hit submit.



Still need help? Submit a ticket!

Have a specific need that we can help you with? Our help desk team is ready to assist you! Just select the Submit a Ticket icon, fill out the form, and hit submit. You can even include a screen shot!

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At Trapp Technology, we are always here to help.

We pride ourselves on providing you the greatest service possible. With the Trapp Technology Help Desk, you’re able to reach us quickly, update your account efficiently, and utilize tools that will keep your cloud happy. Swing by the Trapp Technology Help Desk and take a peek!

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