• May 01, 2013

Cloud Implementation Picking Up Speed

Trapp Technology

Cloud Implementation Picking Up Speed

Cloud Implementation Picking Up Speed 1080 454 Trapp Technology

It’s no secret that the cloud is here, and here to stay. With over 48% of Fortune 500 companies implementing some variation of the cloud in their business, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find a business that isn’t already using or in the process of implementing the cloud.

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“As long as I don’t have to install it, manage it, run it, support it or troubleshoot it, I’m happy,” said an IT executive and attendee at the Bloomberg Link Enterprise Technology Summit. (via)

What’s so enticing about the cloud is how automated IT departments can become. Instead of focusing on maintaining servers, IT departments are able to assist the company with day to day needs, and can spend more time innovating and implementing new solutions. It’s absolutely vital to be efficient in today’s economy, and the cloud frees up not only time, but resources that are better spent elsewhere. An organization used to build its own technology from scratch to fit the employee’s needs. Unfortunately, that is too costly and time consuming. But cloud providers are waiting with open arms, ready to outsource the work.

Don’t get left in a cloud of dust.


Those that aren’t able to make the switch will not only suffer internally from inefficient processes, but they’ll fall behind those companies that are enjoying the luxuries that cloud computing affords — real time updates, multi-user access, remote access, and streamlined communication with both clients and coworkers.

“We login faster, work faster and waste less time. The frustration we had before has been eliminated,”
— Tracy Soulsby, President, Soulsby Accounting Group.

With affordability being more important than ever, it’s reassuring to know that many businesses will save money after they switch to the cloud. Companies are being faced with tighter budgets and longer to do lists — the cloud is just the most natural step to take.

See also  Cloud Computing Reducing IT Costs and Boosting Profits