• June 25, 2013

5 Ways To Get More Out of Cloud Computing

Trapp Technology

5 Ways To Get More Out of Cloud Computing

5 Ways To Get More Out of Cloud Computing 1080 454 Trapp Technology

Whether you’ve had your cloud computing arrangement for years or your installation is hot off the presses, you probably want to know how to best take advantage of your cloud solution. We’ve taken the liberty of giving you five tips and tricks to getting the most out of cloud computing.

Getting the most out of your cloud


1. Know your cloud solution. There are many different cloud solutions for business, and each one meets different needs. Whether your business is utilizing limited applications or more complex solutions, you need to learn what your cloud solution should be doing for you. The more you know about your cloud, the better off you’ll be. If you’re using a cloud hosting company, take advantage of their support team after you learn the ropes. 

2. Share helpful hints. Once you’ve got a good understanding of your cloud solution, find best practices both through online searches and by bouncing ideas off of your colleagues. If someone finds a better, faster way of doing things, spread the word!

3. Take advantage of your cloud host’s blog. Chances are, your cloud host has a blog where they publish tips, tricks, and new ideas. Check them out! You may find an upcoming webinar that will answer questions and give you new ways of using your cloud solution.

4. Be open to change. A major hurdle that businesses face with any new technology is adapting to a new way of doing things. With the cloud, you should take advantage of the real-time updates — encourage coworkers to work on files in the cloud as opposed to emailing updated files as attachments. This will not only save time, but it will encourage group creativity and collaboration.

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5. Promote mobile computing. The ability to work from anywhere is arguably one of the cloud’s biggest benefits. Send data to technicians in the field, stay in touch with colleagues on the go, and get work done even while traveling.