• July 04, 2014

5 Things to Watch for on This July 4th Holiday 2014

Trapp Technology

5 Things to Watch for on This July 4th Holiday 2014

5 Things to Watch for on This July 4th Holiday 2014 1080 454 Trapp Technology

Trapp support is available 24×5, including National Holidays, so you can have the freedom to celebrate July 4th wherever and whichever way you like!

On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was adopted by delegates to the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia. Today, it has become one of America’s most favorite holidays to celebrate Freedom, Liberty, and Independence! And with so many events happening locally and statewide, it’s literally impossible to be part of all the action. But with the help of the internet you, you can be at more than one place at the same time!

Here are 5 things  you can watch for on this July 4th Holiday.


1. What’s more American than competitive eating? Today marks the 99th annual Nathan’s Famous International Hot Dog Eating Contest takes place in Coney Island today in New York. For live coverage and rebroadcasts via ESPN, visit here.


2. Macy’s Famous Fireworks display will be live from the Brooklyn Bridge. Don’t miss the all-star line up of live entertainment including Ariana Grande and Enrique Englesias.  NBC will be broadcasting the live event tonight at 8pm EST. Get up to the minute details here, including a free download of The Star Spangled Banner performed by Idina Menzel.


3. Malia Obama turns Sweet 16! While there’s no live coverage of her taking her road test, the White House will be hosting July 4th festivities filled with live shows featuring Grammy award-winning recording artist Pitbull, the “Salute to the Military”, and of course fireworks! Check out the official live stream feed here.

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4. Although USA is out of the running, 2014 FIFA World Cup Quarterfinals continues today. The match up of France vs. Germany and Brazil vs. Colombia can be streamed online via ESPN here.


5. Hurricane Arthur is threatening the East Coast’s celebration, after making landfall on the southern end of North Carolina on Thursday. Early Friday, it has weakened to a Category 1 hurricane (74 to 95 mph winds), but is still traveling up the coast. Heavy rains are expected, putting a damper on many outdoor celebrations, including the famous NJ shore parties. The Weather Channel coverage can be found here.

Just a friendly reminder that Trapp support is still available 24×5, including National Holidays, so you’re free to enjoy your day of celebration knowing your systems are taken care of by our dedicated team. Have a safe and wonderful 4th of July America!


For more information on Trapp Technology Support, visit trapptechnology.com/support.