• June 26, 2017

Trapp Technology Announces Tech Me Out to the Ballgame, Their Third Annual Business IT Summit

Trapp Technology Announces Tech Me Out to the Ballgame, Their Third Annual Business IT Summit

Trapp Technology Announces Tech Me Out to the Ballgame, Their Third Annual Business IT Summit 1080 468 Trapp Technology

Phoenix business owners are invited to learn about business strategies that scale from seasoned business mentors.

Phoenix, Arizona-June 22, 2017 Trapp Technology, a Phoenix based IT and tech solutions provider, is hosting their 3rd annual Tech Me Out to the Ballgame on August 11th, 2017. This event is expecting to cater to over 250 business professionals from startups to established companies. Each year, Tech Me Out to the Ballgame takes place at Chase Field in the Legends Suite that overlooks right field where attendees network, learn, and enjoy a baseball game at the end of the event.

“Growing businesses often find themselves in the ‘awkward teenage phase’ of business ownership – you don’t quite have the problems of a startup anymore, but you haven’t yet scaled up to the enterprise-level. This year, Tech Me Out to the Ballgame will equip attendees with actionable advice and give them tools to help them to scale their business,” says Jay Bouche, Director of Marketing.

This year, Tech Me Out to the Ballgame will focus on business strategies that scale with speakers sharing tools and methods that have proven to be effective. Businessmen and women are welcome to come and participate in this networking event that engages attendees to critically think about their companies’ futures. This business summit is designed to educate attendees on specific techniques and methods for successful business growth.

At 1:45 PM, guests will arrive at Chase Field and network throughout the expo hall, where sponsors will have tables set up for attendees to explore. Once registration has closed, guests will attend breakout sessions led by an experienced business mentor, and will conduct discussions ranging from marketing strategies, best financial practices, and creating effective sales teams.

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Following the breakout session, guests will attend the keynote panel titled, “How to Scale a Business: Growth Tips from CEOs with Real Life Experience.” This year, Tech Me Out to the Ballgame’s keynote speakers include:

  • Jenny Poon, CEO of CO+HOOTS
  • David Trapp, CEO & Founder of Trapp Technology
  • Greg Head, CEO of Greg Head Consulting

Then, guests and speakers will enjoy a dinner that’s included with a ticket purchase, grab a drink from the cash bar, and watch the Diamondbacks play against the Chicago Cubs.

Tech Me Out to the Ballgame 2017 is sponsored in part by Fortinet, AudioCodes, BroadSoft, Nimble Storage, Synacor, Parallels, Arizona Technology Council, EventKey, and DOTVOX.

For more information and tickets, visit the official event website: https://techmeoutsummit.com/

About Trapp Technology

Trapp Technology provides the very best cloud, Internet, VoIP, and IT managed services to provide a true all-in-one IT solution for businesses who seek to cut IT costs and leverage technology to grow revenues. Trapp Technology’s services are designed to appeal to the growing number of medium- to enterprise-level businesses looking to outsource more IT infrastructure and application management services to help reduce total cost of ownership and free up internal resources, as well as those companies seeking the skills and support to quickly complete complex IT projects. For more information, visit trapptechnology.com.

Media Contact

Ashley Capps
Communications Manager

To download press release, click here.