• May 22, 2018

Spending on Information Security

Spending on Information Security

Spending on Information Security 1080 540 Trapp Technology

Spending on information security rose by 8% in the last 12 months, which brings total security spend now up to around $81 billion dollars by organizations across the US.

We’ve all heard varying figures about the true cost of data breaches. For small businesses, the cost can be in the millions, and for enterprises, those numbers can stretch into the billions. Regardless of what the true numbers are, these spend figures continue to grow and put pressure on the budgets of all companies, regardless of size or industry. But the real challenge? Putting the right dollars in the right place to protect your company assets can be a bottomless pit if you’re not careful.

Trapp Technology helps companies develop the necessary spend strategy to keep information security costs appropriate while maximizing security efforts in the process.

We assess the current industry needs of ‎companies and then apply a cost vs. risk analysis and investigate spend benchmarks in the industry to help develop a security program that will increase your security efforts as cost-effectively as possible–and help you sleep well at night.

As a part of our security program, Trapp Technology can:

  • Develop necessary controls and business rules (Security Program)
  • Train employees
  • Procure necessary technology and hardware
  • Implement security solutions
  • Manage security ongoing 24/7/365 with a US-Based team.

By hiring an outside resource to aid in the strategy and management of your company’s security efforts, specifically in regards to strategizing information security expenditures, your company puts itself in a healthy position to be more efficient with its sensitive technology budgets without sacrificing its levels of security whatsoever.

See also  IT Budgeting, Spend Benchmarking, and Financial Analysis

Feel free to explore our security program details here and let us know if you have any questions about our services. Or, if you’d like to reach a Trapp Technology representative directly, please call us at (877) 942-2568 or email sales@trapptechnology.com and we’ll be in touch.