• April 18, 2018

Modern Cyber Threats: Hacks, Outages and 1-Star Reviews

Modern Cyber Threats: Hacks, Outages and 1-Star Reviews

Modern Cyber Threats: Hacks, Outages and 1-Star Reviews 1080 540 Trapp Technology

These days, modern cyber threats can take on a multitude of forms. A hacked network, power outage, or even a 1-star review on Google can all be costly problems for a small business.

In fact, according to a recent study by the ITIC, 98% of organizations indicated an IT network outage cost them more than $100,000 per hour.

Maybe you’d calculate less for ‎your business‎. But even so, Trapp Technology suggests the negative reputation incurred after any of the above events is even more damaging than the raw costs themselves.

Here’s another example: all it takes are a few 1-star reviews on Google to convince leads to go with a competitor. That kind of bad press can significantly thwart business growth—robbing you of thousands of dollars in potential opportunities over the years.

Luckily, leveraging a managed services provider (MSP) like Trapp Technology helps drastically reduce those risks by:

  • Identifying and neutralizing security threats before they can bring your network down
  • Mitigating network issues to get your business back online quickly and safely when necessary
  • Proactively monitoring and maintaining network components to maximize network uptime

We know firsthand how detrimental a setback can be, so we’ve made it our business to help businesses across the US mitigate their risks as much as possible so they maintain a healthy business and ultimately sleep well at night. In fact, we recently rescued a dental office in Phoenix, AZ from a major network hack, saving the practice from completely shutting down. You can read exactly what happened here in this case study.

If modern cyber threats are worrying you more than you’d like, feel free to explore our cyber security services portfolio to get a better feel for how we can keep your company protected. You can also reach us directly at (877) 942-2568 or email sales@trapptechnology.com and we can schedule a meeting.

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