• April 17, 2018

Cybercrime and the Workforce Shortage

Cybercrime and the Workforce Shortage

Cybercrime and the Workforce Shortage 1080 540 Trapp Technology

Cybercrime is no mystery to businesses and corporations in 2018. But one challenge to overcome for these businesses is the severe workforce shortage in the IT security arena.

Finding the requisite skill and manpower to effectively protect your business goes beyond just installing and running firewalls; it’s about having the appropriate and all-encompassing security technology infrastructure in place to effectively manage risk.

You’ll never be 100% risk-free, of course, but you can still effectively protect your brand and company reputation and sleep well at night by outsourcing the portions of security you can’t effectively manage today due to bandwidth or access to skill restraints.

Trapp Technology offers an extremely affordable cyber threat assessment service that will cover the necessities of an effective security program:

  • Risk Assessment – We’ll define and make sure you understand your current risk profile
  • Security Monitoring – Protect your infrastructure and identify issues before they become a problem
  • End Point Management – Eliminate the risk of the human element of your workforce (i.e. – accidentally clicking a link they shouldn’t have)
  • Cyber Intelligence – Trapp makes sure you say ahead of the latest trends in hacking to protect yourself
  • Incident Management – Access to a team of seasoned IT security experts IF a problem ever arises

Investing in all the tools and talent yourself would easily be a seven-figure investment. Most companies can’t swallow that type of investment at the moment. Because of this, Trapp Technology has built a consumable OpEx model for businesses of all sizes.

We’re the security department for companies across the US. We’ll share some stories of the impact we’ve made for our clients on our introductory call.

See also  Modern Cyber Threats: Hacks, Outages and 1-Star Reviews

Speaking of introductions, feel free to call us at (877) 942-2568 or email sales@trapptechnology.com to talk with an IT security specialist about our services portfolio. For more information on our cyber threat assessments, please fill out the form on the bottom of the page here.