• April 03, 2018

Cyber Attack Threat Assessment

Cyber Attack Threat Assessment

Cyber Attack Threat Assessment 1080 473 Trapp Technology

It’s alarmingly typical.

Nearly every week, we talk to IT leaders who admit that they see thousands of security alerts on a daily basis, but only have the time or resources to investigate half of them. What’s even more worrisome is that of the ones they investigate, about one third are considered legitimate – and even still, they only have the time to address half of the legitimate threats!

It’s not that business IT leaders aren’t concerned with the ramifications of a cyber attack – they simply don’t have sufficient time dedicated to threat mitigation. Not having the resources to combat a known threat is enough to make technology leaders and executives lose sleep at night.

When the Trapp Technology IT security team works with businesses like these, we perform a comprehensive security assessment to uncover where a lack of available time or resources is putting a business in danger of cyber threats. From there, our team of experts acts as a time-saving resource for your internal IT staff. Depending on the needs of your company, Trapp can:

  • Identify and fill the gaps of your company’s IT security fabric
  • Provide “CISO as a Service” to evaluate current policies and advise executive-level teams
  • Enable revenue growth by allowing you to focus on core competencies

We’ve worked with major companies and organizations across the US to bolster the strength of their in-house IT teams, and we’re confident we can do the same for you with the same successful results. Trapp works directly with your company to define a custom security solution that aligns perfectly with your overarching security and business objectives–all for less than what it would cost to hire or leverage the resources in-house.

See also  Challenges When Developing a Cybersecurity Strategy

If you’d like more information on our Cyber Attack Threat Assessment services or any other security service Trapp Technology provides, feel free to give us a call at (877) 942-2568 or email sales@trapptechnology.com and we’ll be in touch.