• May 24, 2018

Addressing all Network Security Risks

Addressing all Network Security Risks

Addressing all Network Security Risks 1080 540 Trapp Technology

We understand it takes an enormous time and resource commitment to properly bolster your company’s network security since many of those efforts require your staff to sift through thousands of security alerts every day. Which threats take priority, and who decides? What if a major threat slips through the cracks?

The fact of the matter is: many businesses only have the time to address about 55% of the security threats their team identifies on any given day, despite their best efforts.  There simply aren’t enough hours in the day to properly address them all, and we think that’s a major issue.

Let’s say one your team accidentally misses or misinterprets an alert and a malicious threat brings your whole network down for a day or two. Is that something your company could afford? Or more importantly, would downtime like that potentially put your company out of business?

To minimize those security risks, Trapp Technology provides a variety of security and risk assessment services that help small to mid-size companies deal with their time and security resource concerns head-on, offering:

  • Cyber threat assessments to provide deeper insight into which areas of your network are most vulnerable and need prioritization
  • A virtual CISO service to help you evaluate current security strategies, policies, and advise executive-level teams
  • Remote monitoring and management to take care of the day-to-day tasks while you focus on business development

We’ve been successful in strengthening the security efforts for major organizations like Mesa Community College and Casino Arizona, and I’m confident we can achieve similar results for a company like yours.

See also  Security: How Much Risk Are You Willing to Live With?

If any of the above resonated for you and your company, you can request a cyber threat assessment here. To speak with a Trapp Technology security representative immediately, call us at (877) 942-2568 or email sales@trapptechnology.com and we’ll be in touch.