Calculate Your Managed SIEM Total Cost of Ownership

Use the Self-Managed SIEM vs. Managed SIEM total cost of ownership calculator below for an immediate estimate of your year one costs.

ArmorPoint from Trapp Technology combines the security data collection of a SIEM and the expertise of managed security services without the need to buy expensive hardware or hire more staff.

Managed Security Shouldn’t Stop at Your Firewall

To get the most value from your SIEM solution, you need a security partner who will give you help when and where it matters most.

  • Full-stack scanning and event detection
  • Proactive 24x7x365 expert security monitoring, down to each endpoint
  • Live notification and help within 60 minutes of an incident
  • Hands-on remediation of verified security threats within your network

Full-Stack Security at a Fraction of the Cost

Managed Security Shouldn’t Stop at Your Firewall

To get the most value from your SIEM solution, you need a security partner who will give you help when and where it matters most.

  • Full-stack scanning and event detection
  • Proactive 24x7x365 expert security monitoring, down to each endpoint
  • Live notification and help within 60 minutes of an incident
  • Hands-on remediation of verified security threats within your network

Full-Stack Security at a Fraction of the Cost

Why ArmorPoint?

Managing your network security systems and processes in-house is expensive, which explains why more and more businesses today are leveraging managed SIEM services to significantly reduce capital expenditures and operating costs.


Gain the ability to collect, parse, normalize, index, and store hundreds of thousands of events per second, with a foundation to support future needs from IoT to our cloud.


Rapid detection and response to security, performance and compliance threats with ArmorPoint’s robust analytics dashboards


Accurate detection of devices, systems, hardware, software, running services, applications, storage, users, network configuration, network topology and device relationships


Identify and remediate root causes of threats with ArmorPoint’s pre-built and customizable reports for security and compliance


Integrate hundreds of devices, common applications, and third party threat feeds data through native and API connectors


Proactive protection your sensitive data without buying expensive hardware and hiring more staff

Why ArmorPoint?

Managing your network security systems and processes in-house is expensive, which explains why more and more businesses today are leveraging managed SIEM services to significantly reduce capital expenditures and operating costs.


Gain the ability to collect, parse, normalize, index, and store hundreds of thousands of events per second, with a foundation to support future needs from IoT to our cloud.


Rapid detection and response to security, performance and compliance threats with ArmorPoint’s robust analytics dashboards


Accurate detection of devices, systems, hardware, software, running services, applications, storage, users, network configuration, network topology and device relationships


Identify and remediate root causes of threats with ArmorPoint’s pre-built and customizable reports for security and compliance


Integrate hundreds of devices, common applications, and third party threat feeds data through native and API connectors


Proactive protection your sensitive data without buying expensive hardware and hiring more staff

“Trapp Technology has made it so I can sleep on the weekends.”

– Carl Lawrence, Partner/Executive Vice President, Management Resource Group

Ready to reduce security costs and strengthen your security posture?

Ready to reduce security costs and strengthen your security posture?